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The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) contains all the larger-cost, individual capital projects for the City of Kaukauna for a period of five years. The CIP is further broken into categories of projects/assets. These categories include Streets and Sidewalk, Equipment, Parks & Pool, and Building & Miscellaneous.

Projects are financed many ways. The main source of funding is issuing General Obligation Bonds, also referred to as  Debt Service. These bonds are paid back over a period of ten or more years. Other ways of funding includes special revenue accounts, grants, or levying on the tax bills.

When funding is secured, those proceeds are put into a segregated fund for each category. The accounting of the expense happens from each of these funds to ensure the proceeds are being spent on the intended project type. Any unspent proceeds remain in that fund and are used for future projects within that category. The City’s funds are as follows:

  • 420 – Streets and Sidewalks
  • 421 – Equipment
  • 422 – Parks and Pool
  • 423 – Building and Miscellaneous

The CIP is a tool to help the City make good budgeting decisions for larger projects and purchases. It also aids in the planning for the needed bonding to fund these projects. The CIP is a fluid document that is updated by staff a few times throughout the year. The projects in the most current year are brought before the Board of Public Works for review and approval. Until this happens, the document is a tool that helps with the planning and visibility of what is being discussed for upcoming capital improvements throughout the City.

Below is the current 5 year CIP as well as the past 5 years of project that have been approved for funding and completion via the CIP.

Current Year

Click here for the 2025 – 2029 CIP.
Click here for the 2025 Capital Projects Map

Previous Year Projects

2024 CIP
2023 CIP
2022 CIP
2021 CIP
2020 CIP