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City of Kaukauna

Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association Meeting Minutes – June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Council Chambers

A meeting of the Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association was called to order at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, by President Rosin.

Members Present: Rosin, Schaefer, Roebke, Hanson, Weaver, Wolfinger, Wolf, Roehrig

Absent and Excused: Meulemans

1.    A motion to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2014, meeting was made by Weaver, seconded by Schaefer. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

2.     Two new picnic tables have been ordered for Veterans Memorial Park by the Street Department. Locations for placement were discussed and Wolf volunteered to meet with Tim Clark, Street Department Foreman, to discuss where the best place to locate them.

3.    Wolf mentioned that the Stars of David and crosses are being repaired. The dedication signs are also being refurbished and Fox Valley Tool & Die is making brackets to mount the signs on the flag poles. Wreaths will be hung below the signs in the winter.

    Wolf also stated that when traveling at night on Highway 55, the decorative triple light on Catherine Street and single decorative light on Hwy. 55 take away from the lights illuminating the flags. A two-sided, lit sign was discussed for placement in the area of the single decorative light which will still provide lighting for the area. There was discussion by the group about them purchasing the sign for the corner of Catherine and Hwy. 55. Mayor will speak to Public Works Director Sundelius to see what, if any, restrictions would apply because it would be located on a state highway. Mayor will also discuss removal of the decorative lights with Director Sundelius.

    Removal of the large trees at the entrance to the park from Hwy. 55 was discussed as well as replacing them with ornamental crab apple trees or smaller trees. Blocking the view of the park is a concern and will be talked about with removal of the trees.

    There was discussion regarding the rock that an individual would like to donate. Roehrig explained that Michelle from Gift Bricks is searching for a black rock that will coordinates with the benches. There is a specific verse that the donor would like put on a plaque which would be affixed to the rock.

    The two replacement benches have been delivered and will be placed by the Street Department in the near future. The American Legion has plans to purchase a bench, and Wolf stated that he knows of another donor. Benches cost approximately $1,572 (includes engraving). Wolf made a motion to give the Legion permission to begin the process of purchasing and donating an additional bench, seconded by Weaver. All members voted aye. Motion carried. It was agreed that the bench information will be submitted to KVMPA by the Legion for approval prior to purchase.

    Wolf stated that the park green area is looking unkempt and is not being maintained properly. He has been contacted by a group of Veterans who would like to assume the maintenance duties if the City will provide the weed control. Mayor will inform the Street Department Union before any work takes place.

    Wolf and some of the other members expressed their concerns about Kwik Trip building a new store in the lot next to Veterans Memorial Park along with issues such as canopy lighting, loss of parking stalls, and noise. Kwik Trip has 15 parking stalls in their plans and has agreed to allow the Veterans to use them during ceremonies. Parking would also have to be across Hwy. 55 or down the side streets, which could be dangerous, as there are uncontrolled cross ways. Mayor mentioned possibly having shuttles running from either River View Middle School or City Hall to alleviate some of the parking problems. Temporary handicapped parking signs could also be placed to ensure there are adequate handicapped stalls for those who wish to remain in their cars during the ceremonies.

    Wolf made a motion for the KVMPA to go on record as being opposed to Kwik Trip’s plan as presently proposed. Upon roll call, there were 5 Aye: Weaver, Wolf, Wolfinger, Hanson, Schaefer; and 2 Nays: Mayor, Roebke. Roehrig abstained from voting due to lack of information regarding the layout of Kwik Trip’s site.

    Wolf also stated that he intends to make the same motion at the VFW meeting and Hanson intends to do the same at his Legion meeting.

4.    Schaefer mentioned that additional bricks need to be ordered and placed before Veteran’s Day. A motion was made by Weaver to authorize Schaefer to purchase bricks with a required the deadline of July 15 to place orders, seconded by Hanson. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Roebke will place an article in the paper requesting a date of no later than July 15 to order bricks. Schaefer will place the brick orders.

    On a side note, there is room for an additional 68 bricks. If more area is needed outside of the current ring, more excavation work will have to be done so they can tie into the existing ring. Roehrig recommended having Welhouse Construction pour concrete if any more needs to be poured, as they had done the concrete work when the park was originally built, and did it very reasonably.

5.    Wolf stated that Highground Veterans Park in Neillsville, WI, has a great speaker system and suggested the group look into getting a better system for Veterans Park. Schaefer explained that since the purchase of longer speaker cords, the speakers can be moved up closer to where the people are sitting. Wolf stated that he has some information coming from Highground as information only to see what the cost would be for a new system.

6.    All of the records (hard copy and digital) for the park have been turned into City Hall by Tim Roehrig. Wolf will take possession of the information.

7.    Schaefer stated that in the Veteran’s bank account, there is a balance of approximately $7,000. There is approximately $3,000 in the fund that is kept by the City. As soon as the new bricks are ordered, Schaefer will turn over the money from the bank to the City.

    A motion to adjourn at 5:19 p.m. was made by Schaefer, seconded by Wolf. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Karen Koch, Executive Secretary

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