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City of Kaukauna

Grignon Mansion Board Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2016

  1. Standing Business:
  2. Motion to move into a closed session:

    i. Ms. Collins made motion, Ms. Poretto seconded, motion carried unanimously.

    ii. Motion to reconvene open sessions; Ms. Collins made motion, Ms. Poretto seconded, motion


  1. Roll Call:

    i. Members Present: Mark Abel (Chair), Genevieve Gara, Bruce Werschem, John brogan, Al

Borchardt, Lin Collins, Patti Porretto

    ii. Members Absent: Mary Vander Sanden, Richard Pauls

    iii. Others Present: Bob Jakel, Patty DeGoey, Dr. P. Peregrine

c. Call to Order:

    i. Chair called the meeting to order at 5:04pm

d. Approval of Prior Minutes:

    i. Correction added to February 2016 Minutes regarding spelling.

    ii. Mr. Werschem moved to approve prior minutes, Mr. Borchardt seconded, motion carried.

e. Lower Fox River Historical Alliance – Dr. Peregrine

    i. An Alliance between historical homes and institutions in an effort to coordinate large tour

groups and maintain the historical missions of the region.

    ii. Each site will keep its autonomy and finances.

    iii. Dr. Peregrin offers his help in creating a clear historical mission statement for sites that

Request it, and any other help regarding the history of the site.

    iv. Suggestions for the Grignon Mansion:

        – Showcase the history of the home through the triumphs and failures of the people

        -Rope off some rooms that are accurately set up, have a room with interactive historical

features next door.

        -Private tours via social media

        -Revamp exhibits in basement; potentially use some artifacts that Lawrence University


        -Offer some “Living History” days put on by area drama students.

        -Involve the Native American community.

f.Administrative and Finance Committee Report – John Brogan:

    i. A procedural policy of expenditure from the Friends needs to be turned in.

    ii. Mr. Brogan met with Lee Meyerhofer, and the City Finance Director who were concerned

about the finances being audited properly. They advocate that the best way to oversee the finances

would be to give all the money to the Friends under some very clear and specific controls and

bylaws to the amendments.

    iii.Currently, the Friends have limited resources as half of the funds pay for utilities , preliminary

discussions about offsetting the utilities cost have begun. The idea is for the City to put $5,000

into the Mansion budget for major expenditures, the money would renew every year for 5 years.

$8,000 will be given to the Mansion in June.

g.Friends Statement of Income – Bruce Werschem:

    i.There was a $1,000 donation from the Lion’s Club for transportation, $331 was leftover and has

been put towards the educational materials fund.

    ii.There is a question on who donated the $1,000 to the encampment fund; if possible it needs to

be traced back to see if it is possible to unencumber some of the funds.

h.City of Kaukauna Update – Bob Jakel:

    i.The Boy Scout Jamboree is on track; the Mansion will be offering them special ticket prices of

$3 per child and $5 per adult.

    ii.The City is looking into developing some heritage trails, more information to follow.

i.Education and Events – Al Borchardt:

    i.Expecting three school tours in the Spring.

    ii.There is an ongoing discussion with KARMA to get the Mansion more involved with KARMA

programs, such as arranging for a bus tour to stop by and maybe having a gift shop stall at

KARMA events.

j.Building and Grounds Committee Report:

i. Two new volunteers to do gardening.

ii.Electrical repairs, waiting on phone call.

iii.Historical plaque is finally up.

k.Review of Current Policies and Procedures – Board:

    i.Friends are working on it, Board needs to approve it. Sections on artifact car and handling will

be added.

    ii. The goal of the Mansion needs clarification; volunteers should be encouraged to maintain a

positive and respectful attitude.

II. Old Business:

  1. Mr. Borchardt has the Mansion inventory, and it is on the Past Perfect Program.
  2. Ms. Gara will look into the Past Perfect Program.
  3. There is the potential to have the inventory managed at the Library.

III. New Business:

  1. Next meeting will be at the Kaukauna Library Board Room on April 25th at 5pm.
  2. Mr. Abel made motion to adjourn the meeting, Ms. Collins seconded it, motion carried unanimously.
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