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City of Kaukauna

Industrial Park Commission Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2016

A meeting of the Industrial Park Commission was called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, by Chairman O’Neill.

Members Present: Feldt, Grissman, Jerome, Knutson, Nytes, O’Neill, Schilling, Schmidt.

Also Present: Mayor Rosin, Planning Director Jakel, Public Works Director Sundelius, Finance Director Van Rossum, Project Engineer Neumeier, Planning Intern Russell, Applicants, Media.

Absent and Excused: Knaus.

  1. Excuse the Absent. A motion to excuse the absent Commission member was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  2. Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2016, meeting was made by Schilling, seconded by Jerome. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  3. Review Site Plan for Northstar Development in NEWPC. Mr. Jakel explained that the site plan complies with the covenants of the park and will accommodate a regional meeting center for the business. There are a large number of parking stalls on the plan to accommodate specific events at the facility which is a farm management and milk testing lab. The site works perfectly for the project and will allow future expansion. Mr. Schilling asked about job creation. Mr. Connor explained that the site will not be warehousing or storage but primarily lab and office workers. The existing space in Appleton will be closed and existing employees will make the move to Kaukauna. Chairman O’Neill asked about the full masonry covenant requirement. Mr. Jakel explained that the covenants do not require masonry – just not a steel façade. Mr. Neumeier asked about possible impacts on the potential wetland on the southeast corner of the lot. Mr. Jakel explained that a new law gives the WDNR permission to not accept wetland determinations. A motion to approve the site plan as presented was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted Aye. Motion carried.
  4. Right of First Refusal for Northstar Development. Mr. Jakel explained that the applicants are unsure of their future needs and would like to secure adjoining property for potential expansion. Mr. Conner explained that the term is three years and the applicants will respond to any offers the City receives on the property within ten days. The property can still be marketed throughout the term. Mr. Schilling asked if City Attorney Davidson had reviewed the agreement as it is fairly long compared to usual agreements. Mr. Jakel explained that Attorney Davidson has been in contact with the applicant’s attorney regarding the agreement. Mr. Jakel’s concern was that the applicants will buy the lot and not end up building on it and suggested a requirement that they match any proposed building square footage and value. Chairman O’Neill explained that the issues should be clarified by Attorney Davidson to cover the City’s interests. A motion to approve the Right of First Refusal contingent on a review of the Commission’s concerns by Attorney Davidson and that the applicant would be required to match the value and tax increment of potential offers was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  5. 1-41 Business Corridor Presentation. Sarah Van Buren of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Plan Commission gave a presentation on the defense initiative relative to the closure of facilities in Oshkosh. Manny Vasquez of the Fox Cities Economic Development Partnership spoke on the marketability of current and future industrial parks. Mr. Vasquez also updated the Commission on activities of the Partnership.
  6. Amendment to Offer to Purchase for Lot 12 in NEWPC – John Ross Investments. Mr. Jakel explained that the applicant is a company looking to expand their paper industry distribution operations. The site will be primarily office space and warehousing. They have existing clients in the Industrial Park Network. Mr. Feldt clarified that the amendment would extend the offer another nine months and tie up the property. Mr. Schilling explained that the sale of their existing site might be required for this purchase. Mr. Jakel explained that the property could still be marketed with a pending offer. Mr. Van Rossum questioned why the applicant didn’t pursue a Right of First Refusal. Mr. Jakel explained that it makes more sense to lock in the property to avoid sending the business to another community. A motion to approve the amendment to the offer to purchase was made by Nytes, seconded by Schmidt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. was made by Feldt, seconded by Grissman. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Julianne Schroeder
Executive Secretary

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