Plan Commission Meeting Minutes – June 9, 2016
Posted on Jun 9, 2016 by kaukauna_admin
A meeting of the City of Kaukauna Plan Commission was called to order at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2016, by Chairman Rosin.
Members Present: McGinnis, Oldenburg, Rosin, Schoenike, Sundelius.
Also Present: City Attorney Davidson, Project Engineer Neumeier, Planning/Engineering Technician Holmes, Planning Intern Russell, Applicants, Media.
Absent and Excused: Feldt, Penterman, VanderSanden.
- Absent and Excused. A motion to excuse the absent Commission members was made by McGinnis, seconded by Schoenike. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2016, meeting was made by Sundelius, seconded by McGinnis. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Introduction – Tanner Russell. Mr. Holmes introduced Tanner Russell as this year’s Planning Intern. Tanner is a Senior at UW-Stevens Point majoring in Natural Resources Planning.
- Annexation Petition – Mission Village of Kaukauna. Mr. Holmes explained that the property is contiguous to the City limits and the comp plan references the area as multi-family. The petition has been submitted to the State however we have not yet received a response. Property to the east of the petitioned area may eventually be single family homes. A motion to recommend to the Council approval of the annexation petition was made by McGinnis, seconded by Sundelius. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Site Plan Review/Rezoning – Mission Village of Kaukauna. Mr. Holmes explained that the project was previously reviewed and no major changes have been made. The applicants are still waiting on state approval of the plan as well as storm water provisions. Mr. Neumeier explained that a retention pond would be located in the southeast portion of the development. Mr. McGinnis asked if the property would be zoned single family. Mr. Holmes explained that the property would automatically be zoned single family upon annexation and would need to be rezoned to accommodate the project. A motion to recommend to the Council the rezoning of 10.86 acres from RSF – Residential Single Family to RMF – Residential Multi Family to accommodate the Mission Village project was made by Schoenike, seconded by Sundelius. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Two Lot CSM – Bernatello’s Pizza. Mr. Holmes explained that 2.88 acres were recently purchased from Hi-Tech Plastics to the north. The CSM would consolidate all property owned by Bernatello’s into one parcel. Mr. Schoenike asked about existing easements on the property. Mr. Neumeier explained that they extend to the railroad tracks. A motion to recommend approval of the CSM to the Council was made by McGinnis, seconded by Schoenike. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
Request for Proposals for 111 Main Avenue. Chairman Rosin explained that the City would like to encourage the redevelopment of the former public library building but will not take any action until the Council decides there is no City-based use for the building. The RFP could be reviewed and ready to go if and when the Council takes that action. McGinnis asked if there would be any restrictions on the type of business permitted for the space. Mr. Russell explained that since the building is on the National Register of Historic Places, there would be restrictions on the original portion of the building relative to state and federal tax credits. The expanded portion of the building would have no restrictions. The property is currently zoned IT – Institutional but could be rezoned to accommodate commercial development. Mr. Schoenike asked how the RFP would be advertised. Mr. Holmes explained that the project needs Council approval before anything else.
- Farmers Market Sign. Mr. Holmes explained that Axon Hillock donated the materials for a permanent sign recognizing the Farmers Market. The market was previously designated by a banner on two metal posts. The permanent sign would be permitted in the CC – Commercial Core zoning district and will provide good visibility from northbound STH 55. The estimated cost of the project is $890 and will be covered by additional donations. Axon Hillock will also install the sign for a fee of $100 and no Street Department labor will be required. A motion to approve the location of the placement of a permanent Farmers Market sign was made by McGinnis, seconded by Sundelius. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 p.m. was made by Schoenike, seconded by Sundelius. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
Julianne Schroeder, Executive Secretary