Spring 2025 weight limits
Posted on Feb 28, 2025 by Andrea Fencl
The City of Kaukauna Street Department will implement and enforce the eight-ton weight limit on certain city streets beginning Monday, March 3. This weight limit will be in place for approximately 4 – 6 weeks.
The streets which will have restrictions in place are:
- Antelope Trail (gravel and chip sealed section)
- Bear Paw Trail (gravel section)
- Red Fox Lane (gravel section)
- White Dove Lane (gravel section)
- Haas Rd (gravel and chip sealed section)
- Snow Goose Way (gravel section)
- Beckett Lane (gravel section)
- South Weiler Road
- Campfire Court
- Ridgecrest Lane (gravel section)
- Nikki Lane (gravel section)
- Ash Grove (gravel section)
- Ben’s Way (gravel section)
- Setter Drive (gravel section)
Please call the Street Department at 920.766.6337 with questions.