Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association Minutes – March 13, 2017
A meeting of the Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association was called to order at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2017, by President Rosin.
Members Present: Mayor and President Gene Rosin, Vice President Eugene Schaefer, Secretary Karen Koch, Fred Cazzola, Lisa Wolfinger, Brenda Leon. Also present: Don Krause, IT Director, and Will Van Rossum, Finance Director, for the City of Kaukauna. Absent: Kennedy Coffee, Katie Harris, Troy Hanson, Brian Roebke and Mark Landreman.
1. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Gene Schaefer to approve and place on file the minutes of May 10, 2016, seconded by Brenda Leon. All members voted aye, motion carried.
2. Don Krause was present to update the Association members on what the Civic Engagement Class has been doing to track donor bricks using the City’s web site. Students in the Civic Engagement class took pictures of and posted more than 900 bricks to our website. These bricks are searchable by name, and a picture of the Ring showing the quadrant they are located in will also assist in locating bricks. Don demonstrated what a QR code is and how visitors at the park can use it to locate a brick. The Association members thought it may help in promoting the QR code by giving it some media coverage. Don would like to see this QR Code feature on our web site and have it up and running by Memorial Day 2017. Karen will write a letter to the students in the Civic Engagement class thanking them for their work they have done with tracking bricks.
3. General Matters. Flags: Gary Wolf and Mike Weaver have been volunteering to raise and lower flags as necessary at the Park. There is concern that sooner or later someone will have to take those duties over, along with the duties of Tony Huss when it becomes too difficult for him to hang the flags on the bridges and in town for Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The group decided that it’s best to keep the subject of replacements for these people on the back burner for now so they don’t feel like they are being pushed out.
The members asked Karen to order flags so there are two complete replacement sets. Karen will inventory the flags and order what is necessary.
Fred questioned whether white composite crosses would be built to replace the existing wooden crosses in the park. The composite material is rather expensive. It was determined that the existing crosses will last a while yet, so replacing them was put on hold.
The drop box for retired flags that was presented by Diana Driessen is now built and will be located near the flag pole of the new Fire Station.
As an FYI, it was mentioned that if flags of fallen veterans were donated by their families, the VFW will fly these flags in the Ring of Honor to pay tribute to the Veteran.
There being no further business to be brought before the Association, a motion to adjourn was made by Brenda Leon, seconded by Gene Schaefer. All members voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Karen Koch, KVMPA Secretary