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City of Kaukauna

Snow and Ice Removal Reminder

Our first snow fall of the season!  As a reminder all owners or occupants have 48 hours (2 days) after the snowstorm to remove the snow and ice from their sidewalks.  See below for more detail on this ordinance.
Sec. 8.13. – Snow and ice removal.
 (1) All owners or occupants of real property shall remove or cause to be removed, within 48 hours after a snowstorm in the city, all snow and ice accumulated on the sidewalks contiguous to the premises they own or occupy. If the owner or occupant fails to comply with this section, the city, under the direction of the street superintendent, shall cause the snow or ice to be removed and the cost and expense thereof assessed as a special tax under Wis. Stats. § 66.0627 upon the lot contiguous to the sidewalk cleared. The cost for snow removal shall be $0.50 per lineal foot of sidewalk frontage with a minimum charge of $45.00. Any owner or occupant who does not comply with this section shall, in addition to the tax levied, be subject to forfeiture under section 25.04 of this Code.

(2) The moving or depositing of snow from a private or business property, such as parking lots, filling stations, private driveways, and other areas onto or into the streets or highways of the city is prohibited. Any person violating this prohibition shall be subject to forfeiture under section 25.04 of this Code.

(Code 2011, § 8.13)

2 Responses to Snow and Ice Removal Reminder

  • Marybeth says:

    I want to file a complaint about the snow removal on Country Lane on the evening on 3/1. Despite, my husband being at the end of our driveway, your driver pushed additional snow at him. Our side had already been cleared once and the second pass unnecessary.

    We understand that there is a job that needs to be done, this is unacceptable. Poor experience for residents.

    • kaukauna_admin says:


      Thank you for your comments. I will pass along to Street Department for investigation. For future situations please contact the street department via phone at 920.766.6337. This will insure a quick response to your concerns.