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City of Kaukauna

Industrial Park Commission Meeting Minutes – May 12, 2016

A meeting of the Industrial Park Commission was called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 12, 2016, by Chairman O’Neill.

Members Present: Feldt, Grissman, O’Neill, Schilling, Schmidt.

Also Present: Planning Director Jakel, Mayor Rosin, Public Works Director Sundelius, Finance Director Van Rossum, City Attorney Davidson, Project Engineer Neumeier, Planning/Engineering Technician Holmes, Applicants, Media.

Absent and Excused: Beatty, Jerome, Knaus, Nytes.

  1. Excuse the Absent. A motion to excuse the absent Commission members was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  2. Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2016, meeting was made by Schilling, seconded by Feldt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  3. Sale of Outlot at CTH J and JJ. Mr. Jakel explained that Outagamie County requires that the property be kept to a low-density use due to its proximity to the intersection and volume of truck traffic. The property is currently leased to a farmer who makes a payment in lieu of taxes. The property is not graded and has a navigable creek running along the lot line. The lot is also hilly and needs to be cut down as well as filled in some low areas. The existing water main easement would need to be maintained as well as access to the emergency siren on the property. Sanitary service to the property ends at the lot line. Applicant Tom Mischler explained that their intent is to place mini storage units and office/storage combos on the site. The project would be less than 5,000 square feet and won’t require sprinklers and they are considering placing solar panels on the units. Mr. Sundelius explained that the depth of the sewer is adequate for this use and on-site storm water management would be required and may include bio-filtration or mechanical devices. Mr. Jakel asked about County-approved access to the site. Mr. Mischler explained that they would permit three access points but not off CTH JJ. The mini storage units would be placed behind the office/storage combos. Chairman O’Neill explained that the covenants require a façade treatment that would need to be addressed if the project goes forward. Mr. Mischler explained that they would offer between $80,000 and $90,000 for the parcel due to the fill issues and noted that they are also considering other sites. Mr. Schilling asked about the potential for job creation. Mr. Mischler explained that it would depend on the tenants. Mr. Schmidt asked if the applicant had prepared a site plan. Mr. Mischler explained that the site plan was contingent on the sale. Mr. Neumeier explained that the site may need triple rows of erosion control protection.
  4. Executive Session – Outlot at CTH J and JJ. A motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:55 a.m. to discuss the sale of the outlot at CTH J and JJ was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  5. Open Session – Outlot at CTH J and JJ. A motion to return to Open Session at 9:10 a.m. was made by Schilling, seconded by Feldt. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Chairman O’Neill explained that the Commission decided not to pursue the project as it was not a good fit for the surrounding properties, the masonry façade requirement, driveway access issues, fill issues and concerns regarding utility extension.
  6. Executive Session – Acquisition of Property. A motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:15 a.m. to discuss the disposition of property was made by Feldt, seconded by Schilling. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  7. Open Session – Acquisition of Property. A motion to return to Open Session at 9:55 a.m. was made by Schilling, seconded by Feldt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  8. General Matters. Mr. Jakel explained that the Commission previously approved a site plan for an expansion at the Orv’s Pizza site. The expansion is not yet complete however there is a slight change to the interior layout that will require them increasing the size of the project to be larger than originally anticipated.

There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 a.m. was made by Grissman, seconded by Schmidt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Julianne Schroeder, Executive Assistant