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City of Kaukauna

Plan Commission Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2016

A meeting of the City of Kaukauna Plan Commission was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 18, 2016, by Chairman Rosin.

Members Present: Feldt, McGinnis, Penterman (joined meeting at 3:40 p.m.), Rosin, Schoenike, Sundelius.

Also Present: Planning Director Jakel, Finance Director Van Rossum, Project Engineer Neumeier, Planning/Engineering Technician Holmes, Interested Citizens.

Absent and Excused: Oldenburg, VanderSanden.

  1. Absent and Excused. A motion to excuse the absent Commission members was made by McGinnis, seconded by Sundelius. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  1. Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2016, meeting was made by Feldt, seconded by McGinnis. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  1. Discussion on Special Exception Request for Two Cell Towers on Wisconsin Avenue. Mr. Jakel explained that the request is for the placement of two 60-foot cell towers on property addressed as 201 West Wisconsin Avenue. Current zoning on the property would require a Special Exception and public hearing and ultimately the request could be denied, however, a recent change in the state statutes prohibits cities from restricting cell towers or an alternate location must be provided. The property impacts in this case are vague and parking requirements for the existing building may create a non-conforming situation as a result. A Special Exception would allow the request with conditions to mitigate the tower’s impact. Dick Rogers representing Cellcom explained that increased data traffic and demand for 4G service spurred the need for the towers. Roof tops of existing buildings would not be high enough and two smaller towers would be less obtrusive than one large tower. The proposed towers would extend approximately 10 feet above the tree line and the narrow distance between the two buildings fronting the street would screen the area. The landlord of the property stated that there is adequate parking for seven cars along with space on the adjoining property he also owns. Mr. Sundelius asked if co-locating on existing towers had been considered. Mr. Rogers explained that it was looked into however the proposed towers would tie in better to the existing network. Mr. Sundelius asked for an analysis into the property’s non-conforming status and verification from the applicant that co-locating on an existing tower is not an option before the next meeting. Chairman Rosin asked if the improved service would be beneficial to the new library and Expera headquarters. Mr. Rogers explained that it would increase service and expand the wireless environment. Mr. Jakel asked Mr. Rogers to forward a parking schematic for the existing buildings from the current landlord before the public hearing. A motion to set the public hearing on the special exception request for Thursday, March 17th was made by Sundelius, seconded by Feldt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
  • Presentation by Developers of Property at Lawe Street and Plank Road. Mr. Jakel explained that state statutes on the creation of TIF districts designate improvements to public infrastructure or incentives for private development. The City currently maintains a number of TIF districts but this one would be slightly outside the realm of what we’ve done in the past. Mark at MJI Building Services gave a presentation on the proposed project entitled “Between the Parks” for the property’s 1.3 acre location adjoining White City and Grignon Parks. They are proposing a three-story facility with 2,000 square feet of commercial space and 4,000 square feet of residential space. They valued the project at $3 million dollars and anticipate 18 to 24 jobs. Developer Jerry Van Dyn Hoven explained that the TIF would be an essential incentive to assist the project and would ensure an immediate start of construction. Chairman Rosin asked if the developer had seen the latest WDOT plans for the intersection. Mark explained that they had and were aware of the proposed stop light. Mr. Jakel explained that the projected cost of $3M seemed low for new construction. Mark explained that the cost is tenant driven and the structures will be finished as they are leased. Mr. Sundelius asked about proposed TIF expenditures and amounts. Mr. Van Dyn Hoven explained that a developer’s agreement would protect the City and define the value of what could be. Mr. Sundelius explained that the City’s general obligation debt was at 89.8% of the legal debt limit in 2012 and an effort has been made to reduce it. General obligation debt was reduced to 77.8% of our legal debt limit by 2014. A new fire station is in the works which will require some general obligation debt. He explained that the proposal looks like a great project that he would love to see however he is not sure of the level of financial incentives the City could provide. Mr. Jakel explained that there are several options the Commission could consider at a future meeting – do nothing, TIF assistance, or developer incentives. Mr. Sundelius asked about the time line for creation of a TIF. Mr. Jakel explained it would take at least three months however we need to decide on our level of participation first. Mr. Van Dyn Hoven explained that he would need a commitment letter while the TIF was being developed. Mr. Penterman asked if the project would proceed without City participation. Mr. Van Dyn Hoven explained that this particular option would not be pursued without the TIF incentive.


There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:05 p.m. was made by Sundelius, seconded by Penterman. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Julianne Schroeder, Executive Secretary

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