Industrial Park Commission Meeting Minutes – January 6, 2016
Posted on Jan 6, 2016 by kaukauna_admin
A meeting of the Industrial Park Commission was called to order at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2016, by Chairman O’Neill.
Members Present: Beatty, Feldt, Grissman, Jerome, O’Neill, Nytes, Schilling.
Also Present: Planning Director Jakel, Mayor Rosin, Director of Public Works Sundelius, Project Engineer Neumeier, Planning/Engineering Technician Holmes, Assistant Fire Chief Grindheim, Media.
Absent and Excused: Haen, Knaus.
- Excuse the Absent. A motion to excuse the absent Commission members was made by Feldt, seconded by Beatty. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2015, meeting was made by Schilling, seconded by Feldt. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Site Plan Review – Precision Paper Converters. Mr. Jakel explained that the original expansion plan has been decreased due to an increase in storm water management requirements. The plan meets park covenants and façade requirements and the exterior will match that which is existing. Mr. Grindheim explained that the Fire Department needs adequate access and accessibility – in this case, a hard surface road and a turn-around area. Mr. Jakel explained that would require a culvert based on the drawing. Mr. Schilling asked if the applicants were aware of this requirement. Mr. Jakel explained that they were not. Mr. Neumeier explained that the plan is sufficient from a treatment perspective, however he had other concerns regarding access. Mr. Schilling asked about the equipment being purchased with RACK funding. Mr. Jakel explained that it will be located in the present area and is state of the art. Mr. Schilling asked about an increase in jobs. Mr. Jakel explained that jobs would increase by a minimum of five based on the new equipment and would ramp up from there. Mr. Grindheim asked if the new building would be separate from or attached to the existing building and if it would be sprinkler-ed. Mr. Jakel explained that it would be attached and he assumed it would be fitted with sprinklers. Mr. Grindheim asked about the location of hydrants. Mr. Jakel explained that they would be within 500 feet of the building. Mr. Neumeier noted that an easement would be required to accommodate storm water discharge. Mr. O’Neill asked if there were plans to convert the area to a detention pond. Mr. Neumeier explained that there were discussions in the past and the WDNR determined that the existing area had become a habitat and would likely be preserved. Mr. O’Neill asked if the Commission wanted to act on the item or wait until the conditions are addressed. Mr. Jakel explained that the Commission should be considering the covenants in place while other entities would deal with the fire and storm water issues. Mr. Schilling explained that he did not want to hold up the project and made a motion to approve the site plan contingent on issues related to fire access and storm water management being approved by respective staff, seconded by Beatty. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Executive Session – Disposition of 9.66 Acres in NEWPC. A motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:50 a.m. pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85(1)(e) to discuss the disposition of 9.66 acres in the NEW Prosperity Center was made by Feldt, seconded by Nytes. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- Open Session – Disposition of 9.66 Acres in NEWPC. A motion to return to Open Session at 9:10 a.m. was made by Feldt, seconded by Beatty. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
- General Matters. Mr. O’Neill expressed his concern that the Commission is routinely being asked to consider site plans that do not meet requirements and often, the plans end up approved with contingencies. He asked if the process was appropriate for the charge the Commission is set with. Mr. Schilling agreed and explained that while he did not want to hold up development, he had concerns about the Commission’s vulnerability to the Council. Mr. O’Neill stated that as a point of direction for staff, developers are informed of the Commission criteria for review, and submittals be cleaned up and finalized before being presented to the Commission.
There being no further business to be brought before the Commission, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 a.m. was made by Grissman, seconded by Jerome. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
Julianne Schroeder, Executive Assistant