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City of Kaukauna

Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association Meeting Minutes – December 8, 2015

A meeting of the Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Association was called to order at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, by President Rosin.

Members Present: Mayor and President Gene Rosin, Vice President Eugene Schaefer, Secretary Karen Koch, Troy Hanson, Fred Cazzola, Brian Roebke, Mark Landreman. Absent: Lisa Wolfinger, Andréa Meulemans.

Absent and Excused: Lisa Wolfinger, Andréa Meulemans and Brenda Leon.

1.     Absent and Excused. A motion to excuse the absent was made by Landreman, seconded by Schaefer. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

2.    Minutes. A motion was made by Roebke to approve and place on file the minutes of September 29, 2015, seconded by Landreman. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

3.    Replacement for Andréa Meulemans. It doesn’t appear that Andréa has the availability or time as a member with the Association and will step down. There was discussion on naming another individual to take her place and a suggestion was made to ask a member of Civic Engagement Class, as the class is still very involved with fundraising at the Park. Schaefer suggested contacting the class’s teacher, Tim Roerig, to discuss placing an interested student as a member of the Association. Mayor will follow up with Tim. Roebke mentioned that they will not be long-term members, as this class is for students in their senior year.

4.    Presentation by Civic Engagement Class. The two students from the Civic Engagement Class who were scheduled to make a presentation of the obliques at the entrances of the Ring of Honor were not in attendance at the December 8 meeting.

5.    General Matters. Schaefer mentioned that the Park School students donated $309.78 to the Ring of Honor. A thank you was sent to the students by Koch. Roebke suggested that at the next Veteran’s Day ceremony, the Association consider presenting the Park School and students with a plaque for their involvement with the ceremonies throughout the years.

    Schaefer mentioned that the VFW Post received a letter stating that bricks had been installed with errors on them, but there is no truth to the statements. Schaefer further commented that any errors made as a result of an order being submitted incorrectly by the Association have been corrected.

    Hanson informed the group that he has delivered all of the flyers promoting a donation of a memorial brick to the funeral homes. They are all on board to include the Ring of Honor fliers with the information packets that grieving families receive.

There being no further business to be brought before the Association, a motion to adjourn was made by Roebke, seconded by Landreman. All members voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Submitted by:

Karen Koch, KVMPA Secretary