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Mission Statement

Responsible for permitting and inspecting construction site erosion control and post-construction stormwater management practices and all stormwater management throughout the City of Kaukauna.

The City of Kaukauna Engineering Department offers many stormwater related services including:

  • Responding to stormwater pollution calls
  • Monitoring, and maintaining stormwater best management practice (ponds, biofilters, storm sewers)
  • Construction site plan review
  • Post-Construction stormwater management plan review
  • Working with businesses and residents to better manage stormwater quantity and quality

MS4 Annual Report to Wisconsin DNR and 2023 MS4 Program Summary
The 2023 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) annual report is now available for community review and comment. Please contact City Engineering Director John Neumeier with questions.

Information Submitted By The Public
If you see a possible violation or have a stormwater complaint, please use this form to submit the information to the City of Kaukauna. For an emergency or issue that may endanger life or limb, please call 911 or the City Engineering Department at 920.766.6305.

Frequently Asked Questions

Apply for an Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Permit if your site meets any of the following:

  • 4,000 square feet or greater of land disturbing activity, or
  • 100 cubic yards or greater of excavation volume, filling volume, or some combination of excavation and filling volume, or
  • 100 linear feet or greater of land disturbance to a highway, street, driveway, swale, ditch, waters of the state, wetland, protective area, or other non-agricultural drainage facility which conveys concentrated flow

Click here for the Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Permit application.

Find helpful erosion control information for home builders and landscapers here.

Construction Sites are exempt from Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Permits if they meet any of the following:

  1. 1- and 2-family residential dwellings that are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale and that result in less than 1 acre of disturbance.
  2. Non-point discharges from agricultural activity areas.
  3. Non-point discharges from silviculture activities.
  4. Mill and crush operations.

Simply put, a storm water utility is a program that funds and manages rain water, snow melt, and run off. The Storm Water Utility is a municipal utility district that operates in the same fashion as a sanitary sewer or water utility.

Learn more: What is a Storm Water Utility?

Storm Water Utility Ordinance No. 1624
Ordinance Creating Chapter 22.03, Storm Water Utility of the City of Kaukauna.

2020 Local Stormwater Utility Comparison
A quick look at how the Kaukauna Storm Water Utility Rates compare to other local communities.

Credit Policy
City of Kaukauna offers Credits to the the Storm Water Utility Fee for mitigating the effects of runoff from your property.

Illicit discharge means any discharge into waters of the state or a city separate storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Learn more by reading Chapter 22: Stormwater Management.

Please fill out an Information Submitted By The Public form and submit it to the City of Kaukauna. If the issue may endanger life or limb, please call 911 or the City of Kaukauna Engineering Department at 920.766.6305 immediately.

All ordinances related to stormwater management including construction site erosion, post-construction stormwater management, illicit discharge and connection, and stormwater utility can be found in Chapter 22 of our Municipal Code (linked below).

Similarly related ordinances can be found below:
