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Welcome from the

Office of the Mayor

Kaukauna is a progressive community with more than 17,000 people and a wonderful place to live, work, and visit. We offer an abundant supply of recreational opportunities to our citizens and visitors alike. No matter where your interests lie–boating, fishing, walking, or enjoying a concert at the city’s Hydro Park, Kaukauna has something for everyone. We strive to provide our citizens and visitors with a quality of life and services second to none.

I encourage you to explore the different areas of our website to learn more about your government. We are committed to improving and expanding our ability to provide citizens with information concerning the services and functions of our municipal government.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to serving you.


Anthony J. Penterman

Mission Statement

The Office of the Mayor coordinates and administers the operations of City government; carries out the policies adopted by the Mayor and Common Council; appoints members to committees, commissions and boards subject to the approval of the Council; works with the Council in identifying and solving problems facing the City and in implementing appropriate measures for the welfare of the citizens of Kaukauna; monitors performance of staff in carrying out programs to achieve city goals; prepares the annual executive budget; seeks to achieve effective coordination and efficient delivery of services to the citizens’ needs in a responsive, accountable, and economic way.

Additional Information

The Mayor’s term is two years. The term commences on the third Tuesday of April following his or her election.

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Mayor Tony Penterman issues proclamations in the City of Kaukauna to recognize and commemorate special occasions and significant community/individual achievements, to honor or celebrate people and staff, and more. Below is a lit of proclamations issued this year.

Government Communicators Day – 02-21-25
Adult School Crossing Guard Week – 01-21-25
School Choice Week – 01-21-25
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – 01-07-25