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To Our Kaukauna Utilities Customers

Tim Taplin
July 29, 2016

KU_Jeff_Feldt_small_picWelcome to Kaukauna Utilities’ web site. As a customer of the utility, you are part owner of our community’s utility company. Because Kaukauna Utilities is municipally owned, you have a voice in the way we do business.

We developed our web site to offer you another easy way to do business with us and to serve you the best way we know how. You can also call us at (920) 766-5721 or visit our office at 777 Island Street, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m – 4:00 p.m.

Kaukauna Utilities takes great pride in our customer service. If you have any comments or suggestions on how this web site or Kaukauna Utilities as a whole can serve you better, please feel free to contact my office.

Jeff Feldt
General Manager

Article Author

Tim Taplin