City of Kaukauna Official Directory
Official Directory
Information regarding the City, elected officials, committees, commissions, authorities and more.
1000 Islands Environmental Center
Eagle Plates
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is now issuing an Endangered Resources license plate that features a photo rendition of an American Bald Eagle. The eagle plate is the third in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Endangered Resources series.
For more information, visit the Wisconsin DOT web page!
Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation
Have you found a baby animal that seems to need help? Start here.
Board of Review meeting notice to taxpayers
Notice to Taxpayers regarding the annual Board of Review meetings
Attorney’s Office
Municipal Court Proceedings
An overview of the general procedure for Municipal Court proceedings.
Absentee Form
Please use this form when requesting an absentee ballot. You must be a registered voter.
Bartender (Operator) Application
Application for license to serve fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors.
Beekeeping Permit
This is the application for permit for beekeeping on public or private property.
Chicken Keeping Permit
Application for permit for chicken keeping as personal, and not commercial use. Only 10 permits allotted per calendar year.
Dog License Online Application
Application for a dog license in the City of Kaukauna.
Fireworks Permit
Firework Stands are required to use this application when applying for a permit to sell fireworks.
Fireworks Rules
These are the requirements when selling fireworks.
KATODA Brochure
Information and resources on the Kaukauna Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Board.
Municipal Code
Municipal Code of the City of Kaukauna.
Outdoor Alcoholic Beverage Area Application
Permit needed by establishments if they have alcohol being served or drank outside.
Solicitor’s License
This is the application for a peddler, canvasser, solicitor, or transient merchant. The investigation fee is $15.00. This application goes to the Police Department first for a record check and then gets approval by the City Council. The license is valid for a calendar year from January through December.
Solicitor’s Ordinance
This ordinance is for peddlers, canvassers, solicitors, and transient merchants. Please read to see if you need a license before selling in the City of Kaukauna.
Special Event Fence Permit
Please use this application when applying for a picnic permit.
Common Council
All District Maps can be found on the Common Council page.
Commission, Board, and Committee Members
Bidders Proof of Responsibility
This form must be completed in full by any organization or individual wishing to bid on municipal projects. A new form must be completed each calendar year.
Right-of-Way Permit – Miscellaneous Work or Utility
Please complete the form online and attach a site plan. Return the form to John Neumeier at [email protected].
Liability Claim Form
This form is required by all injured parties intending to file a liability claim.
Fire & Rescue
Candle Safety
Candles may be pretty to look at but they are a cause of home fires – and home fire deaths.
Smoke Alarm Safety Sheet
Print and hang up this handy chart to remind you to test your smoke alarms every month.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries.
Human Resources
General Employment Application
General employment application form to be completed by candidates interesting in applying for open positions within the City of Kaukauna. |
Kaukauna Housing Authority
Please read completely and fill out the appropriate form.
Statesburg Application
Application and supplemental information for residency at Statesburg Apartments
HCV (Housing Choice Voucher) Application
Application and supplemental information for the Housing Choice Voucher in the City of Kaukauna
Please direct any questions and return completed forms to:
Kaukauna Housing Authority
125 W. 10th Street
Kaukauna, WI 54130
Pennie Thiele
Phone: 920-766-4772
Fax: 920-759-2733
[email protected]
Mayor’s Office
Community Newsletter
City of Kaukauna Quarterly Newsletter
Kaukauna Service Organizations Nomination Forms
Please click here for the Volunteer of the Year award nomination form, and click here for the Lifetime Achievement nomination form.
Public Works
Block Party Permit Form
Curbside Recycling Route Map
Permit for Tree Removal
Terrace Tree Planting Recommendations Form
Trees for the Living Program Brochure
Storm Water Management
Contractors and Developers
Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Permit Application
Permit Application for Construction Site Erosion Control and Post-Construction Storm Water Management
Erosion Control For Home Builders
Helpful erosion control information for home builders and landscapers.
City of Kaukauna Stormwater Reference Guide Pt 1
City of Kaukauna Stormwater Reference Guide Pt 2
Construction Site Erosion Control Ordinance
Construction Site Erosion Control Fees
Post-Construction Storm Water Management Fees
Post-Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance
Municipal Storm Water Permit Information and Reports
Wisconsin DNR General Permit
General Permit to Discharge Under the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
WPDES Permit No. WI-S050075-2
Storm Sewer System Map
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Map
Resource Management Plan
Resource Management Plan
Storm Water Utility
What is a Storm Water Utility?
Storm Water Utility Ordinance No. 1624
Ordinance Creating Chapter 22.03, Storm Water Utility of the City of Kaukauna.
Credit Policy
City of Kaukauna offers Credits to the the Stormwater Utility Fee for mitigating the effects of runoff from your property.
Information for Citizens and Local Business Owners
Information Submitted By The Public
If you see a possible violation or have a stormwater complaint, please use this form to submit the information to the City of Kaukauna. For an emergency or issue that may endanger life or limb, please call 911 or the City Engineering Department at 920.766.6305.
Illicit Discharge & Connection Ordinance
This ordinance establishes methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into waters of the state or the MS4 in order to comply with requirements of the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(WPDES) permit process.
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Fees
Fee Schedule for the Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program.
Excerpt From Ordinance Addressing Public Nuisance
The Public Nuisance ordinance addresses pollution to waterways and waste runoff from properties.
Municipal Waste Ordinance
This ordinance addresses separation and collection of yard waste and leaves.
Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Assoc & Ring of Honor
Ring of Honor
Click here to access the Map of the Ring of Honor to aid in locating bricks, along with a brick listing in alphabetical order and a listing in numerical order. (Brick No. 1 is located in front of the American flag and the following numbers proceed in a clock-wise direction.)
Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park Assoc Bylaws
Please click here for KVMPA Bylaws. |