Project 3-23 Alley Paving Project – Week of October 2nd
See below for a weekly construction update for the Alley Paving Project. Click here for a project map.
Third/Fourth Street Alleys:
CONSTRUCTION – The Contractor will fine grade Third/Fourth Street Alley Reconstruction the week of October 2nd. Later during the week, the alley will be paved with asphalt. The alley will be closed while this work is taking place, so if you typically park in the alley, please find alternative parking.
Oak Street Alley:
CONSTRUCTION – The Contractor will fine grade Oak Street Alley Reconstruction the week of October 2nd. Later during the week, the alley will be paved with asphalt. The alley will be closed while this work is taking place, so if you typically park in the alley, please find alternative parking.
- We will work with the Oak Street paving contractor and the alley contractor to make sure that there is parking available.