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Project 1-23 Concrete Street Paving Project – Week of October 23rd

October 23, 2023

See below for a weekly construction update for the Concrete Street Paving Project. Click here for a project map.

Quinney Avenue, Metoxen Avenue, Dixon Street and Seventh Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The grading and backfilling behind the curb started on October 19th.  They will continue doing this work the week of October 23rd. Landscaping should take place shortly after that.

Loderbauer Road, White Dove Lane and White Birch Lane Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The landscaping is complete.  Remember to water the new the new landscaping.

Greyhound Street, Boxer Street and Setter Drive Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The landscaping is complete.  Remember to water the new the new landscaping

Oak Street and Schultheis Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION -The contractor will be pouring the north lane of Oak and the east lane of Schulthies later the week of October 23rd depending on weather.

Canal Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION – The contractor has most of the street poured.  The contractor might pour the remaining hand pours later the week of October 23rd depending on weather.  Please stay off the new concrete for a week to let it cure and strengthen.

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