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Project 1-23 Concrete Street Paving Project – Week of June 5th

June 02, 2023

See below for a weekly construction update for the Concrete Street Paving Project. Click here for project maps.

Quinney Avenue, Metoxen Avenue, Dixon Street, and Seventh Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The storm sewer contractor is planning to start the storm sewer work on June 5th.  They will start at the intersection of Dixon and Quinney. Most of the lateral locations are marked, except where trees are going to be removed.  If the location is not where you want the storm lateral for your sump pump or down spouts, contact the City.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of July 3rd.

Loderbauer Road, White Dove Lane and White Birch Lane Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work on Loderbauer Road the week of July 10th.  The paving contractor will start grading White Birch Land and White Dove Lane the week of July 10th.

The Water Department will be doing water main work on Loderbauer Road starting June 5th. Below is some information about any road closures for this project:

NOTICE – Lane and Full Road Closures on Loderbauer Road

June 6-9, 2023

Lane/Shoulder Closures along Loderbauer Road between White Wolf Lane and White Dove Lane. Road will remain open, but expect delays and please drive slowly in the work zone.

June 12

A complete closure of Loderbauer Road and White Dove Lane intersection for 1 day. Please avoid this intersection and use alternate routes if possible, or slow down to help promote a safe work zone.

June 13-16

A complete closure of Loderbauer Road between White Wolf Lane and White Dove Lane. Please use alternate routes if possible, or slow down to help promote a safe work zone and neighborhood.

Kaukauna Utilities and their contractors will be installing water main in and along Loderbauer Road in order to complete a water main loop that will improve water pressure and quality in this area. Avoid this area if possible, expect delays, and slow down in construction zones. All schedules are subject to change due to weather or construction conditions. A map of the work area is attached

Greyhound Street, Boxer Street and Setter Drive Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The paving contractor will start grading White Birch Lane and White Dove Lane the week of June 19th.

Oak Street and Schultheis Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the week of July 3rd.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of July 31st.

Canal Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION  The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the  week of July 10th.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of August 7th.

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