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Project 1-23 Concrete Street Paving Project – Week of June 12th

June 09, 2023

See below for a weekly construction update for the Concrete Street Paving Project. Click here for project maps.

Quinney Avenue, Metoxen Avenue, Dixon Street and Seventh Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The storm sewer contractor is currently working on the storm sewer along Dixon Street.  They will continue working on Dixon on Monday and possibly Tuesday.  Tuesday the contractor may be starting the storm sewer in Seventh Street at Metoxen Avenue and working towards Crooks.  The sewer contractor’s lateral crew will start the storm lateral installation the week of June 12th.

Lathe painted pink has been placed in front of most of the residence. If the stake is not where you want your storm lateral, please contact me and I will move it to where you want it. If you have a sump pump, please e-mail me which side of your house the pipe comes out and your address.

The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of July 3rd.

Loderbauer Road, White Dove Lane and White Birch Lane Areas:

CONSTRUCTION The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work on Loderbauer Road the week of July 10th.  The paving contractor will start grading White Birch Land and White Dove Lane the week of July 10th.

The Water Department will continue doing water main work on Loderbauer Road the week of June 12th. Click here for more information about any road closures for this project.

Greyhound Street, Boxer Street and Setter Drive Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The paving contractor will start grading Greyhound Street, Boxer Street and Setter Drive the week of June 19th.

Oak Street and Schultheis Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION -The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the week of July 3rd.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of July 31st.

Canal Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION – The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the week of July 10th.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of August 7th.

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