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Project 1-23 Concrete Street Paving Project – Week of July 31st

July 28, 2023

See below for a weekly construction update for the Concrete Street Paving Project. Click here for a project map.

Quinney Avenue, Metoxen Avenue, Dixon Street and Seventh Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The storm sewer contractor will be working on the storm sewer installation along Quinney Avenue.  The contractor will finish work on storm sewer lateral installation after the storm sewer mains have been installed.

The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of July 31st on Dixon Street.  When the paving contractor sends an updated schedule, it will be posted.

If you have a driveway along Quinney Avenue or Dixon Street, please find alternate while the sewer crew is working in front of your lot .

Loderbauer Road, White Dove Lane and White Birch Lane Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – This week the contractor will be paving the east lane of Loderbauer Road. This lane will be closed to traffic for about 7 days for the concrete to cure and strengthen. Once the east lane is open, the contractor will pave the west lane.

  • The sidewalk contractor will be constructing the sidewalks and driveway aprons along White Dove and White Birch the week of July 31st. You will not be able to get into your driveway for 7 days after the sidewalk contractor constructs your driveway apron and the sidewalk that goes across your driveway.  You can continue to park at the northern portion of White Birch and Red Fox Lane while your driveway apron and sidewalk cure and harden.
  • Shortly after the sidewalk and driveway aprons are complete, the landscaper should start the landscape work.

Greyhound Street, Boxer Street and Setter Drive Areas:

CONSTRUCTION – The sidewalk contractor has been constructing the sidewalks and driveway aprons along Greyhound, Boxer and Setter Drive. They will continue to work on the sidewalk and aprons the week of July 31st.  You will not be able to get into your driveway for 7 days after the sidewalk contractor constructs your driveway apron and the sidewalk that goes across your driveway.  You can continue to park at the northern portion of White Birch and Red Fox Lane while your driveway apron and sidewalk cure and harden.

  • Shortly after the sidewalk and driveway aprons are complete, the landscaper should start the landscape work.
  • The concrete street contractor will be pouring some street at the intersection of Setter and Greyhound.  You will not be able to drive on this concrete for Seven days while it hardens.

Oak Street and Schultheis Street Areas:

CONSTRUCTION -The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the later the week of July 31st.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of August 14th. When the paving contractor sends an updated schedule, it will be posted.

Canal Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION – The storm sewer contractor is planning to start storm sewer work the week of August 14th.  The paving contractor plans to start pavement removal and excavation work the week of August 28th .

  • Currently the Water Department’s contractor is boring a water main under the navigation canal. This should take about 2 weeks to complete. Once this work is complete, the water main contractor will relay the water main in Canal Street.
  • When the paving contractor sends an updated schedule, it will be posted.
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