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Notice: Bridge Closure

September 29, 2016

Complete bridge closure notification for Island Street Bridge in the city of Kaukauna:
A complete closure of the Island Street Bridge wil lbegin on Thursday June 2, 2016 at 1:00pm. Duration of approximately 4 months.

A map of the bridge work and detour route is available here.

The City of Kaukauna has contracted with Lunda Construction to replace the entire Island Street Bridge deck and replace intersection pavement at Thilmany Road and at Oak Street. A Full closure is anticipated to begin June 2 at 1:00pm for utility work and remain closed until October 7, 2016. All trucks must follow the signed detour route. Car traffic will be able to use the Island Street at Thilmany Road acces to the Kakalin Development until mid-August. Any updates to the schedule will be posted on the City of Kaukauna website and emailed to any interested parties.

Please direct any questions to:

John W. Neumeier
City of Kaukauna Engineering
[email protected]

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