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The City of Kaukauna Municipal Court was created by the City of Kaukauna and has exclusive jurisdiction over all actions involving municipal ordinance violations.  The Court is an independent branch of government, not a department of the legislative branch or the police department.

The Kaukauna Municipal Court is committed to serving the people of the City of Kaukauna with fair and impartial service, in a respectful and orderly manner.  We hope this website will assist you with any question you may have about Municipal Court procedures.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Municipal Court Clerk.

Mission Statement

Preside fairly and impartially over violations of City ordinances and traffic matters.

Court Procedures


Click the button below to learn more about court processes and procedures for adults related to:

  • Court Conduct
  • OWI Violations
  • Pleas
  • Traffic Violations
Court Procedures


Click the button below to learn more about court processes and procedures for juveniles related to:

  • Court Conduct
  • Pleas
  • Juvenile Penalties
  • Traffic Violations – Juveniles

Additional Information

Preparing for a Pre-Trial

Once the court has received your plea of ‘NOT GUILTY’, your case will be referred to the City Attorney for attempt to resolve the matter through a pre-trial conference. If you do not come to an agreement, a trial will be scheduled before the Kaukauna Municipal Judge without a jury. If you need to obtain a copy of a police report, please contact the Kaukauna Police Department. If you need to change the date or time of your pre-trial conference, please contact the City Attorney’s office at 920.766.6318.

Wisconsin Point System

If facing traffic offenses, it is likely you will accumulate demerit points upon conviction of most such offenses.  If you accumulate 12 or more demerit points in any one-year period you will lose your license to drive in Wisconsin for a certain period of time.

Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicle – Point System

Frequently Asked Questions

Initial appearances for adult cases in Municipal Court are generally held on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.  Please be sure to reference your citation for specific date and time.

Municipal Courtroom/Council Chambers are located on the first floor of the Municipal Services Building at 144 W 2nd St, Kaukauna.

Municipal Court trials are also held on Tuesdays at 1:00, 2:00, 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.  You will receive correspondence directly from the Court regarding the specific date and time of your trial.

Please contact the Municipal Court Clerk at least two days prior to your initial appearance at 920.766.6378 and notify them of your situation.  If the court is not notified that you will not be attending, you will be found guilty by default. If you are unable to appear at a pre-trial conference, please contact the City Attorney’s office at 920.766.6318.

Indigent defendants are not entitled to a public defender in Municipal Court. You are responsible to secure and pay for any legal representation. The Wisconsin State Bar maintains a searchable page to find an attorney at Home (

*The City Attorney is not a public defender. The City Attorney prosecutes on behalf of the City.

If your citation is marked “Yes” for mandatory appearance YOU MUST APPEAR at the specified time on your citation.  This information is located next to the court date and time.

If your citation is marked “No” for appearances, you DO NOT have to appear, but you then MUST PAY the forfeiture prior to your initial appearance court date.   Payment can be made online here, or by phone, mail, or stopping into the Municipal Services Building.  If you fail to notify the Court of your plea by the specified court date, a no-contest/guilty by default judgment will be entered in against you and you will be required to pay the imposed forfeiture.

Yes, you can complete the plea form. The court must receive a written plea at least two days prior to your initial appearance date. Once the court has received your plea of ‘NOT GUILTY’, your case will be referred to the City Attorney for a pretrial conference. You will receive correspondence from the City Attorney’s office regarding the steps to take once you’ve entered your plea.

  • You may make payment by dropping a check in an envelope in the payment box outside the main entrance of the Municipal Services Building at 144 W 2nd St, Kaukauna, WI 54130.
  • You may mail check or money order to Kaukauna Municipal Court, 144 W 2nd St, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Please include your name and citation number when making payment.  DO NOT SEND CASH.  Make check payable to City of Kaukauna Municipal Court.
  • To pay by credit card, call the City Clerk’s office at 920-766-6300 or pay online.

If you do not pay your financial obligation to the Court, notification may be sent to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to place a suspension on your driving privileges or a warrant may be issued for your arrest.  Your taxes may also be intercepted.  You may also be turned over  to the Wisconsin Debt Collection program.

Yes.  If you have any pending cases with Kaukauna Municipal Court, it is your responsibility to keep your address current with the Court and the Department of Transportation.  If you fail to provide the Court with the appropriate contact information, you may not receive proper notification regarding your case in the future.  This will result in a default judgment entered against you. Contact the Court through the Clerk of Courts at 920.766.6378.

To request a case be re-opened, you must put a formal request in writing to the City of Kaukauna Municipal Court. There must be a valid reason to reopen the case.
If the Judge grants your request, you will be scheduled for an upcoming hearing. Please be aware that the Court may assess a fee to reopen the case.
The judge may deny your request.  If the Judge does not grant the request to re-open, you will still owe the forfeiture(s) for the violation(s).
Re-opening a case does not guarantee the outcome will be any different than the original finding/points assessed.

Kaukauna Municipal Court is not a court of record, therefore records of court proceedings do not end up on Wisconsin Circuit Court Access.