Live! from Hydro Sponsors to Raise Money for Alzheimer Awareness Month!

Today Wednesday, June 21st, is a special day. It’s the first day of Summer, and the Longest Day of the year.
It is also special because in honor of June being Alzheimer Awareness Month, Abel Insurance, Van De Hey Financial Services, Inc., and Haen Meat are teaming up to bring a cookout to Live! from Hydro Park. It will include Haen’s brats & hamburgers, also some chips. So plan on having dinner with us tonight!
All proceeds generated by this cookout will benefit the St. Paul Home’s Memory Center. Folks from St Paul’s will be on hand to answer questions, and talk about the new Memory Resource Center. They also will be handing out Longest Day tattoos for children.
So please join us tonight “The Longest Day” to help support this wonderful addition to our community.