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Court Conduct

This is a court of law.  Rules of evidence and proper decorum are expected.  Please be quiet when court is in session so all individuals can be heard and present their case without distraction.  ALL HATS MUST BE REMOVED.  Persons who fail to conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner will be asked to leave and may be cited for contempt of court.  The City of Kaukauna is committed to ensuring that you are treated with the courtesy and respect that every citizen has a right to expect from judicial officers.  The court expects the same courtesy and respect in return.

The following rules and procedures will help you understand how Kaukauna Municipal Court functions.  This court has jurisdiction over most traffic law violations and all city ordinance violations.  These matters are not considered criminal in nature, however you may obtain representation by an attorney at your own expense. You are NOT entitled to a public defendant appointment.

OWI Violations

If you are charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle While under the Influence of an intoxicant (OWI) or Operating with a Prohibited Alcohol Concentration (BAC), you may request to have your case transferred to Outagamie County Circuit Court for a jury trial.  A written request for a transfer and payment of all required fees must be made within 10 days of your initial appearance in Municipal Court.  Only OWI/BAC cases can be transferred to circuit court.


When making your initial appearance the following will occur.  The citation will be read and potential penalties and other consequences will be explained.  You will then be asked to enter a plea of “guilty”,  “not guilty” or “no contest”.  You may request a continuance for purposes of consulting with legal counsel or for other valid reasons.

If you enter a plea of guilty, it is an admission to the charge.  The Judge will then read the arresting officer’s report. Restitution may be ordered in some cases.  You will be allowed to make a statement before a penalty is assessed.  If applicable, a computerized printout of your driving record may also be reviewed.  You will receive an order outlining your penalty before you leave.  If a forfeiture is imposed, be prepared to pay the full amount on the date of the hearing.  If you are unable to pay due to economic circumstances you may request an installment payment plan.

A plea of no contest is similar to a plea of guilty and will also result in a finding of guilt.  However, with a no contest plea, you admit to no civil liability in connection with the incident, such as a claim for damages.  The arresting officer’s report will typically be read by the Judge.  Restitution may be ordered in some cases.  As with a plea of guilty, you may offer comments or explanations which you deem relevant prior to sentencing by the court.  Before leaving, you will receive an order outlining your penalty.  If a forfeiture is imposed, be prepared to pay the full amount on the date of the hearing.  If you are unable to pay due to economic circumstances you may request an installment payment plan.

If you enter a plea of not guilty, you deny the charges against you.  Before leaving, you will be provided a date for a pre-trial conference with the City Attorney.

Pre-trial conferences are conducted with the City Attorney. If you are unable to appear on the assigned pre-trail conference date, please contact the City Attorney’s office at 920.766.6318.

The Plea Form can be found here.

Traffic Violations

If you are found guilty of a traffic offense, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) may assess demerit points against your driving record and your drivers’ license may be revoked or suspended.  Assessment of 12 demerit points within a 12-month period will result in the revocation of driving privileges.  Upon request, if your driving privileges are in jeopardy, the DOT will advise you of the number of points assessed and the present status of your driving record.  Violations of some traffic and alcohol offenses may have automatic suspension or revocation of driving privileges.

If you need information regarding obtaining an occupational license, check the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website or visit the Appleton DMV Service Center located at 711 W. Association Drive, Appleton, WI.  54914.  They can help you determine if you are eligible for an occupational license.