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City Resident Electronic Recycling Event A Success

April 21, 2017

City of Kaukauna in partnership with Recycle that Stuff, Appleton, WI collected 64,182 pounds of electronics Saturday April 15th 2017.  The event ran from 8am to noon.

A breakdown of the materials recycled: 1,679 lbs Monitors, 3,044 lbs CPU’s, 2,363 lbs Small Electronics, 4,034 lbs Freon, 331 lbs Wire, 9,407 lbs Electronics, Printers, Appliances, 43,324 lbs TV’s

Thank you to the City Staff who volunteered to work the event.  Thank you to Kaukauna Utilities for allowing the use of their facility.  This event will ensure 64,182 pounds of electronics will be recycled in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local Regulations and will not be land filled, or otherwise improperly disposed of.

Kaukauna Utilities is planning a fall electronic Event this fall for Kaukauna Residents.

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