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All appointments with the City Attorney’s Office must be made by telephone only (920.766.6318). All pre-trial conferences set by the Court are in person unless other arrangements are made by contacting the City Attorney’s Office and arranging a telephone conference. Failure to appear will result in a default judgment.

Mission Statement

To manage all legal matters in which the City of Kaukauna has an interest.

The City Attorney’s office provides a variety of support services to various City departments, committees and commissions. These services include representing the City in Municipal Court, providing legal counsel for the Common Council, drafting and/or reviewing land sale and purchase contracts, ordinances and resolutions, loan documents and construction contracts, and participating in arbitration of labor contract grievances. Please note that the City Attorney does not provide legal advice to the public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not for a municipal court case. They are not “criminal” proceedings but rather are ordinance violations, which are considered “civil” offenses.

Yes, however you must contact the Clerk of Municipal Courts at 920.766.6333 well in advance of your Court date to obtain a subpoena form. You must prepare the form, get it signed by the Municipal Judge and have it served upon the witness. Also, you must pay the necessary $5.00 witness fee and travel reimbursement of $.20 per mile round trip to the witness at the time the subpoena is served.

The City Attorney provides representation to the City of Kaukauna as a government entity. This position is not able to represent residents for personal needs.

Yes – after you have followed the instructions on your ticket by either appearing as ordered before the Municipal Judge and pleading “not guilty” or by doing so by letter, if permitted on your citation. A few days after that, you may contact my office at 920.766.6318 to schedule a time to meet. If you have not yet appeared, or entered a plea with the Municipal Court, the City Attorney’s Office will not have access to any information regarding your citation or ticket.

No – you should consult with your own attorney before contacting my office. I represent the City and all of its operations, and information that you share with my office could impact your legal rights.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide legal advice to residents and the public. If you believe a neighbor is violating the code or law, you should either contact the appropriate city department (generally Code Enforcement or Police, depending on the nature of the alleged violation) or consult with your own attorney.  In many instances, neighboring property owners have private disputes for which the City of Kaukauna has no jurisdictional authority to resolve – these are best handled with your own attorney’s assistance.

Again, unfortunately I cannot provide legal advice to residents and the public. Interpretation of the Code is legal advice, so even in areas where it seems rather simple and clear, my ethical obligations under Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Regulating Conduct of Lawyers, prohibits me from providing such advice. If you are planning on doing something that you believe may or may not be in violation of code, you may want to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure you have a dependable interpretation.