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Christmas Tree Pick

January 03, 2017

Now that Christmas season is winding down city residents may have a real Christmas tree that they want to dispose of.  Real trees can be placed at your regular alley or curb garbage collection spot for pick-up by Department of Public Works crews.  Trees picked up by crews will be chipped/shredded and dumped on the mulch pile located in the Street department yard.

Next week, January 9th through January 13th, Public Works Crews will be going around the city with the Chipper to collect the trees placed on the curb.  If a tree is placed on the curb after the chipper has been around it will be picked up by Pubic Works Crews with a flat bed truck and taken back to the Street Department yard for disposal.   A few notes when placing your tree at the curb for pickup:

  • Please face the trunk of the tree towards the road for easier loading for the crew.
  • Trees placed at the road side should be ‘naked.’ Make sure to remove all lights, decorations, plastic bags, etc.

If you have any questions on Christmas tree pickup please call the street department at (920)766-6337.

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