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Catch Basin Ice Dams May Lead to Street Flooding and Ice

January 19, 2017

With the recent rain and warm weather, much of the snow has melted and has even frozen back down onto streets and sidewalks.   The Public Works Department is working hard to remove the snow and ice that  has thawed during this recent warm-up.

The Street crew is also going around the City to clear ice and snow build-up by the storm water catch basins along the curbs.  This ice and snow build-up is acting like a dam for the snow and ice that has melted.  Removing this dam will allow the melted ice and snow to drain properly, preventing the water from pooling in the street and refreezing when Mother Nature decides to give us more winter weather.

If you see a catch basin near your house that is blocked with snow, slush, or ice, please help out, and remove this dam to allow the storm water to drain.  If there is a lot of snow, ice, etc., that may need heavy equipment to remove, please call the Street Department at (920) 766-6337 to let them know where the blocked basin is.  They will send a crew as soon as possible to remove the snow.

The forecast for the next few days is calling for warmer weather that will be well above freezing.  It could also bring a high chance of rain.  Giving notice of a plugged catch basin or helping to remove the snow around or near your home will prevent the streets from potentially flooding and refreezing if the water doesn’t drain before colder weather sets in.

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