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Carbon Monoxide Alarms – 2011 State of WI Law

August 15, 2016

Effective February 1, 2011 new requirements in 2009 Wisconsin Act 158 relating to carbon monoxide alarms will go into effect. The new law requires the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in all family homes licensed for 3-4 persons and community-based residential facilities licensed for 5-8 persons built before October 1, 2008 and have fuel burning appliances.

Owners are requires to install carbon monoxide alarms in the basement of the facility and on each floor level except the attic, garage, or storage area of each dwelling unit. For the aforementioned homes and facilities, there is no mandatory type of power source for the alarms. This condition allows for installed carbon monoxide alarms to be powered by battery, electrical outlet plug-ins or wiring to the buildings electrical service, with backup battery power supply.

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