Board of Public Works, September 19, 2016
Meeting of the Board of Public Works called to order by Chairman McGinnis at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, September 19, 2016.
Members present: Coenen, Collins, Driessen, Leon, McGinnis, Meyerhofer, and Penterman.
Absent & excused: Roehrig.
Also present: Atty. Davidson, Mayor Rosin, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Planner Jakel, Police Chief Manion, Fire Chief Hirte, Fin. Dir. VanRossum, HR Dir. Vanderloop,
St. Supt. VandenHeuvel, Rec. Dir. Malloy, Asst. Fire Chief Grindheim, Eng./GIS Spec. Neumeier, Sr. Proj. Eng. Strelcheck, and interested citizens.
1. DPW/Eng. Sundelius reviewed the public improvements on Gertrude Street, portion of West Ducharme Street, and Links Court. He reviewed the rates and the changes made to special assessments in 2015 such as the corner lot credit and 10 year payback.
Ald. Roehrig arrived at this time – 6:03 P.M.
Chairman McGinnis declared the public open at 6:20 P.M. and asked if anyone present wanted to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed special assessments. Stan Dercks, 800 Gertrude Street, spoke on behalf of the neighborhood asking for consideration to use the vehicle registration fees to pay for some type of credit for the pavement in this area as it did not have to replaced at this time. The group understands concrete lasts for 30 years and it is past that but the concrete was still in good shape. He also state that the Engineering Department also is doing an excellent job on keeping us well informed on the project. Jane Heiting, is speaking on behalf of Mrs. Vanevenhoven, a widow that has already paid for the concrete years ago and would like the Board to consider some type of credit or discount as the concrete was still in good shape. Chairman McGinnis declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:26 p.m.
Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Penterman, to direct the Engineering Department to assess this area and make a recommendation to see if it is feasible to issue a credit similar to what we have done in the past.
All Ald. voted aye.
Motion carried.
2. St. Supt. VandenHeuvel explained the type of sweeper they are looking for. Eng./GIS Spec. Neumeier explained that the City was awarded a grant of $50,000 to purchase the sweeper and budgeted an additional $200,000 through the Stormwater Utility Fund.
Grant dollars must be spent by December 31, 2016.
Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Driessen, to authorize the Street Superintendent to seek bids for a grant eligible high efficiency street sweeper.
All Ald. voted aye except Ald. Leon abstained.
Motion carried.
3. Bids were opened on September 14, 2016, for the new fire station. Bids are as follows:
Ziese $6,480,000
Miron $6,553,000
Immel $6,688,000
The project estimate for the 29,000 square foot facility was $5.5 to $5.7 million and the bids were higher than estimated. City staff met with the architect, Fire Dept. staff, and Ald. Meyerhofer to better understand why the bid amount was greater than expected and to review any alternatives or options available. Financing for the difference of $3,229,973 could be borrowed as part of the general obligation bond in 2017. Ald. Meyerhofer stated that if redesigned or restructured the fire station, we would be spending more to get a lesser cost facility and thought we should also go with Alternate #2 and install a slip free floor as well for safety reasons. Trevor Frank was present to answer any questions.
Motion by Collins, seconded by Coenen, to adjourn.
All Ald. voted aye.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:49 P.M.
Susan J. Duda