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Board of Public Works October 31, 2016

November 11, 2016




Meeting of the Board of Public Works called to order by Chairman McGinnis at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, October 31, 2016.


Members present: Coenen (via phone), Collins, Driessen, Leon, McGinnis, Meyerhofer, and Penterman.


Absent & excused: Roehrig.


Also present: Mayor Rosin, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Planner Jakel, Asst. Police Shepardson, Fin. Dir. VanRossum, St. Supt. VandenHeuvel, and interested citizens.


1. DPW/Eng. Sundelius updated the Board on the Island Street Bridge opening. We had two contract modifications. One was for high early strength concrete to lessen the time to cure and ensure the project is completed as quickly as possible. The second one was for a time extension modification because the utility work ran past the 28 days allotted in the contract by six days moving the completion date to November 10, 2016. Sommers Construction had two crews working to complete the pavement on time. If the good weather continues, the bridge should be open on Saturday and will stay open. It will be open on Election Day regardless. The Board requested a thank you be sent to the Department of Transportation.


2. DPW/Eng. Sundelius updated the Board on the concrete street paving project. Two property owners on Links Court did not receive the mailing and a public hearing will be held on

Nov. 14, 2016. The property owners on Links Court had requested that the street be paved and knew it would higher because it is in a different area from the rest of the project. They were also questioning the policy change regarding assessments for cul-de-sacs.


3. Discussion held on the five year capital projects list.


4. DPW/Eng. Sundelius reviewed the park improvements for Horseshoe Valley Park. A plan was developed to extend the existing parking and sidewalk on Tenth Street. The City’s existing concrete street paving project with Vinton Construction includes bid items for tree removal, grading, graveling, and sidewalk. This is the work that would be performed at Horseshoe Valley Park yet this year. A previous capital projects borrowing included $35,000 for this site work.


Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Penterman, to authorize the extension of the existing contract with Vinton Construction Company to include additional site work at Horseshoe Valley Park.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.


5. Ald. Penterman questioned the Halloween trick or treat hours and asked if we could change them to be more uniform with our neighboring communities. Ours are currently 4-6 and he would like to see 5-7 or 4-7.


Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Collins, to adjourn.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 6:19 P.M.


Susan J. Duda


Article Author
