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Board of Public Works – July 18, 2016

November 11, 2016


Meeting of the Board of Public Works called to order by Chairman McGinnis at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, July 18, 2016.

Members present: Coenen, Collins, Driessen, Leon, McGinnis, Meyerhofer, Penterman, and Roehrig.

Also present: Atty. Davidson, Mayor Rosin, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Planner Jakel, Police Chief Manion, Fire Chief Hirte, Fin. Dir. VanRossum, HR Dir. Vanderloop,

St. Supt. VandenHeuvel, Rec. Dir. Malloy, Eng./GIS Spec. Neumeier,

Sr. Proj. Eng. Strelcheck, and interested citizens.

1. Motion by Penterman, seconded by Collins, that no more bids be accepted for Project

No. 3-16 – mini storm sewer installation.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

2. Bids are as follows:

            CONTRACTOR                BID

    Roger Bowers Construction, Kaukauna             $157,233.00

    Vanco Construction, Seymour                 $173,495.00

    Carl Bowers & Sons Construction, Kaukauna         $180,122.00

    Advance Construction, Green Bay             $184,453.50

    DeGroot, Inc., Green Bay                     $193,068.59

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Collins, to direct the Engineering Department to tabulate the bids and come back with a recommendation.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

3. DPW/Eng. Sundelius explained that we have an unofficial parking area off of Dodge Street at the Konkapot Trail Head. The partially graveled area is used by residents that walk the Konkapot Trail to park their vehicles. It is also used by Kaukauna Utilities for overflow parking. It was not constructed to serve as a parking lot so it is not defined as a parking area. Kaukauna Utilities Commission has reviewed the issue and is willing to jointly finance the construction of the parking lot with the City. Total cost for the project is estimated at $28,000. The City’s share of the project cost would be included in the 2016 capital improvement borrowing and the project could be done this fall.

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Penterman, to authorize the Engineering Department to seek quotes for the construction of a parking lot on Dodge Street at Konkapot Trail Head to be cost shared with Kaukauna Utilities.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

4. DPW/Eng. Sundelius explained the several alderpersons have received complaints about the pavement condition on Kavanaugh Road. The Town of Buchanan has 73.5% of the street and the City has 26.5%. The Town has hired Outagamie County to “smear patch” the pavement surface which will be done this week. Haas Road was in a similar condition and we did a joint project between the City and town which was completed in 2009. An intergovernmental agreement was developed and the project costs were cost shared on abutting frontage.

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Leon, to contact the Town of Buchanan to see if they are willing to do a joint project to improve the condition of Kavanaugh Road.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

5. DPW/Eng. Sundelius reviewed the timetable for concrete paving. We would like to open bids on August 15, 2016. Engineering Department is working on the plans now. Reaume Avenue parking will be a concern and may require an ordinance change to allow terrace parking. Discussion held on holding off with the streets in the downtown area until next year as the vehicle traffic is using this route with the Island Street bridge being closed. DPW/Eng. Sundelius stated he would still like to get Gertrude Street and Links Court done this year.

6. Planner Jakel updated the Board on Coffee Hill Estates. Dan VanHandel has been working with the DNR on required methane barriers for residences within 75 feet of a closed landfill that would add four duplexes or 8 units to the development. Dan had found a supplier of the barrier for direct purchasing and contacted several installers for competitive pricing. The estimated cost of the liner and installation is about $5,000 per duplex. This is part of the DNR Remediation Action Plan (RAP) and is an ERTIF eligible expense. Dan would split the cost of the liner with the City so we can proceed with the project. The City would invest about $2,500 per duplex. The tax increment from a new duplex is about $3,000, therefore, the ERTIF would be paid back in ten months at which time the full amount would go toward the remaining ERTIF debt.

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Collins, to authorize the use of ERTIF funds up to $2,500 per unit or $5,000 per duplex for a total of $10,000 for the vapor barriers for residences within the 75 foot setback.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

7. Planner Jakel reviewed the agreement with Robert and Cheryl Kmecheck for an easement in 2002 when the City extended Farmland Drive. The Kmecheck’s are looking for compensation for having their property encumbered by the flooding easement since 2002.

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Roehrig, to table until all appropriate staff can review.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

8. St. Supt. VandenHeuvel recommended the bid for a tire mounted backhoe from Brooks Tractor as it is a better machine and meets 98% of the specs. The low bid meets 70% of the specs.

Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Driessen, to award the bid for the backhoe to Brooks Tractor in the amount of $67,900 with the trade-in.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

9. Chairman McGinnis again expressed his concern regarding the pedestrian crossing on CTH CE by the high school. We need to get together with the County and School District to come up with ideas to resolve this issue in a safe way.

Motion by McGinnis, seconded by Penterman, to recommend that the Director of Public Works and the Mayor get together with the School District and Outagamie County to come up with recommendations for this area for pedestrian safety.

All Ald. voted aye.

Motion carried.

10. Ald. Penterman asked the Police Chief to monitor the speeding on Ann Street due to the construction of CTH HH.

11. Ald. Leon stated that if 12th Street is delayed until next year, Modern Dairy should not be allowed any more time to get in compliance with ordinance violations.

Meeting adjourned at 6:43 P.M.

Susan J. Duda

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