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Board of Public Works – August 1, 2016

November 11, 2016




Meeting of the Board of Public Works called to order by Chairman McGinnis at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, August 1, 2016.


Members present: Coenen, Collins, Leon, McGinnis, Meyerhofer, Penterman, and Roehrig.


Absent & excused: Driessen.


Also present: Atty. Davidson, Mayor Rosin, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Planner Jakel, Asst.              Police Chief Shepardson, Fire Chief Hirte, Fin. Dir. VanRossum, HR Dir.          Vanderloop, St. Supt. VandenHeuvel, Rec. Dir. Malloy, Asst. Fire Chief                  Grindheim, Eng./GIS Spec. Neumeier, Sr. Proj. Eng. Strelcheck, and          interested citizens.


1. DPW/Eng. Sundelius explained that SEH is nearing completion of the construction drawings and bidding documents for the new Fire Station. City staff and numerous employees of the Kaukauna Fire Department have been meeting with SEH and various consultants during the plan development stage. The estimated cost for the new 29,000 square foot building is $5.5 to $5.7 million. This amount includes demolition of the former Police Department and administration offices at the old City Hall. The new facility will have geothermal heating and cooling and LED lighting with the opportunity for a roof mounted solar panel array. The new building will house the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The exercise room will also be used by the Police Department as well as other City staff as the exercise room was eliminated from the Municipal Services Building during its design. Trevor Frank was present to answer any questions and provided samples of the colors of the building. The façade uses red brick and the Electric City Blend color for the stone like the new Municipal Services Building. Chairman McGinnis was against using red brick on the building and strongly felt the same colors and materials as the new Municipal Services Building should be used. General consensus was to go with the red brick along with the electric city blend stone.


Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Coenen, to authorize the Director of Public Works to seek bids for the construction of a Fire Station at 201 Reaume Avenue.

All Ald. present voted aye.

Motion carried.


2. DPW/Eng. Sundelius explained that the City inherited four bridges when it took ownership of the Konkapot Trail. Three of the bridge structures were wooden timber construction and one was of steel construction. One of the wooden structures was replaced with corrugated metal culvert pipes before the trail opened. The Street Department refurbished the remaining structures in the early 2000’s. The structure nearest Horseshoe Valley Park partially collapsed recently under the weight of a Street Department vehicle. The remaining structure posed a safety hazard and was entirely removed on July 28th. The City has begun the process of having the structure replaced. Replacing the structure will require permitting from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) due to the proximity of the Konkapot Creek. The Horseshoe Park Pond outfall also extends to the bridge which will require contact with the DNR. There is also a wooden pedestrian bridge at the dog walking park that is in need of replacement.


Motion by Roehrig, seconded by Meyerhofer, to authorize the Director of Public Works to enter into a professional services agreement with McMahon Associates at an estimated cost of $8,000 to $12,000 for the analysis of bridge replacement options for the Konkapot Trail and dog walking park.

All Ald. present voted aye.

Motion carried.


3. Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Collins, to award the bid for Project No. 3-16 – mini-storm sewer installation to Roger Bowers Construction in the amount of $157,233.

All Ald. present voted aye.

Motion carried.


4. DPW/Eng. Sundelius reviewed the 2016 concrete street paving project and stated that Second Street, Third Street, Reaume Avenue, and Main Avenue in the downtown area will be delayed. That project will be let in late winter or early spring. This will not affect the street projects for next year. Gertrude Street and Links Court will be done this year.


5. Planner Jakel stated that staff has reviewed the agreement with Robert and Cheryl Kmecheck for an easement in 2002 when the City extended Farmland Drive. The City installed watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer. We are proposing to forgive the watermain, they would be responsible for 1/3 of the cost of sanitary sewer assessment upon annexation of the property.


Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Roehrig, to direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary documents to release the easement.

All Ald. present voted aye.

Motion carried.


6. City Atty. Davidson stated that a contact letter was delivered to Modern Dairy on Friday. A Fire Department inspection will be scheduled for any new violations and to see if any corrections were made from previous violations. They have been notified of their existing violations.


7. Ald. Meyerhofer stated that the front doors have to be unlocked for our public meetings.


Motion by Meyerhofer, seconded by Penterman, to have a key override for the front doors of the new Municipal Services Building.

All Ald. present voted aye.

Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 6:44 P.M.


Susan J. Duda


Article Author
