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Advertisement for Bid – DPW – 06-07-23

June 07, 2023

Notice is hereby given by the Board of Public Works of the City of Kaukauna that the Street Department will receive sealed bids for one ¾ Ton 4×4 Truck with Power Tail Gate until 3:00 p.m. on the twenty-eight (28) day of June 2023 in the City SPAR office, 207 Reaume Avenue in the City of Kaukauna. The Street Department will publicly open and read aloud all bids in the Council Chambers at 3:30 p.m. on the same date. The bids shall be labeled “Sealed bid, one (1) 2023 or newer ¾ Ton Truck with Power Tail Gate.

To obtain the specifications for equipment, contact the Street Department office at 920.766.6337 or Street Superintendent at [email protected] The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Further details here.

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