Descriptions of the Commissions, Boards, and Committees
3-year term, meets at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of the month
The main purpose of the 1000 Islands Environmental Center Committee is to administer the area known as the 1000 Islands area, which is part of the Conservancy Zone, and the building known as the 1000 Islands Environmental Center, to promote sound conservation measures, and to implement and administer planning and programming for the use of the 1000 Islands area and the 1000 Islands Environmental Center. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
3-year term, meets at 6:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month
The Board educates the public regarding the problems of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse and develops public information programs in relation thereto. It shall make recommendations to the Council in cases where Council action is required on matters pertaining to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse. The Board shall coordinate all activities related to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse in the City and shall cooperate with other county and state agencies organized for a similar purpose. Must be a Kaukauna Area School District resident.
2-year term, meets three times a year or as needed
The general purpose of the Exhibition Center Advisory Committee is to represent, inform, engage and make recommendations on behalf of the stakeholders in the greater Fox Valley about the Exhibition Center Project as well as operations and management of the Exhibition Center “Center”. The Committee shall strictly serve in an advisory capacity to the Appleton Redevelopment Authority (“ARA” or “Authority”).
Appleton Redevelopment Authority
Exhibition Center Advisory Committee
100 North Appleton Street
Appleton, WI 54911-4799
3-year term, meets two-three times per year or as needed
The Board of Appeals is authorized to hear appeals in matters relating to all zoning ordinances. The Board settles several types of zoning disputes, including appeals of administrative decisions and variances. It is a quasi-judicial body. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
3-year term, meets as needed
The Building Construction Board of Review shall hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Inspector concerning the application, interpretation, and enforcement of the adopted technical codes.
3-year term, meets the Thursday following the first and third Tuesday of the month as needed
The main purpose of the City Plan Commission is to review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding land use and land development activities. Regulation review involves the City zoning code and subdivision ordinance and comprehensive planning documents. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
1-year term, meets quarterly at 3:00 PM on the third Monday of the month in March, May, September and December
The Fox Cities Area Room Tax Commission coordinates the collection and use of room tax in the Fox Cities Tourism Zone. The role and makeup of the Commission is set in State Statute. At meetings, Commissioners are provided a financial report on the collection of room taxes, discuss any delinquent payments and the process for ensuring collections, get a report from the Fox Cities CVB (the Commissions Tourism Entity, per statute) and, annually, get a report on the bond financing for the Fox Cities Exhibition Center and Community First Champion Center Fox Cities. The Commission may also discuss other topics related to room tax, such as collection from third party rentals like Air BnB. Commissioners are asked to communicate any pertinent and relevant information back to their respective municipalities.
3-year term, meets at 5:00 PM on the fourth Monday of the month
The Board shall take such steps as it determines necessary to promote, protect and preserve the Grignon Home, to educate the public regarding the home and to develop public information programs in relation thereto. To the extent possible, the Board shall coordinate all activities related to the Grignon Home.
3-year term, meets as needed
The main purpose of the City of Kaukauna Industrial and Commercial Development Commission is to review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the development, promotion, and sale of the Kaukauna Industrial Park Network and other city areas. The Commission shall make recommendations regarding the future development of industrial parks, including the need for installing public services, rail sidings, and roads. The Commission also reviews specific site plans for the development of individual building sites. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
3-year term, meets as needed
The purpose of the Association is to maintain an association of persons interested in honoring veterans and the services they have provided; to support the public Kaukauna Veterans Memorial Park and Ring of Honor (“Park”) through fund raising activities, volunteerism, and servicing as advocates for the park; to provide input for ongoing maintenance, strategic planning and support implementation of such maintenance and plans for the Park as directed and approved by the Common Council of the City of Kaukauna. The association will also conduct fund raising to support the Park maintenance, materials, construction, supplies and activities to carry out the mission and plans to maintain a memorial park honoring those veterans who have served our country and our community. It will promote the mission of the Park within the community. The KVMPA will promote partnership with community organizations and cultivate relationships between the community and the Park.
3-year term, meets at 5:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month
The Kaukauna Public Library Board is responsible for all financial and service operations of the Kaukauna Public Library. Board responsibilities include regular review of the services and operational policies of the Library. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
5-year term, meets as needed
The main purpose of the Police and Fire Commission is to organize and supervise the Fire and Police Departments and to prescribe rules and regulations for their control and management. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
5-year term, meets at 3:00 PM on the second Monday of the month
The main purpose of the Kaukauna Public Housing Authority is to establish and supervise administrative program policies, to review financial reports and practices and to supervise the director. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
5-year term, meets as needed
The main purpose of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Kaukauna (RACK) is as follows: to be concerned with the visual and functional effects of the erection, construction, reconstruction, movement, enlargement, or alteration of any exterior architectural feature of any building or structure in the Commercial Core District. RACK has the power to hear and decide applications related to the above description. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
5-year term, meets at 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month
The main purpose of the Utility Commission is to manage and operate the electric and water utility of the city. The terms “manage and operate” shall include utility properties and the purchasing, acquiring, leasing, constructing, adding to, improving, conducting, or controlling the city’s public utilities. Must be a City of Kaukauna resident.
Looking for a way to become more involved in your community? Consider serving on a City of Kaukauna Commission, Committee, or Board. These groups play an important role in the function of your local government.