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Application for License to Serve Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors

To the Common Council of the City of Kaukauna, Wisconsin:

I hereby apply for a license to serve, from the date hereof to June 30, 2026, inclusive (unless sooner revoked), Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors, subject to the limitation imposed by Section 125.32 (2) and 125.68 (2), Wisconsin Statutes, and all acts amendation thereof and supplementary thereto, and hereby agree to comply with all laws resolutions, ordinances, and regulations, Federal, State, or Local, affecting the sale of such beverages and liquors if a license is granted to me.

Application for License to Serve Fermented Malt Beverages And Intocicating Liquors

Common Council Approval

Council Decision

Clerk Final Status Check

Copy of certificate/license from another municipality has been received
Application Status

Police Department Review

It is recommended that:

PD Final Status Check

Note: From the submission date, there is a 15 day waiting period before the license is issued assuming application is approved. Only use the Provisional License as an option if the council will not meet within the 15 day waiting period.
First Name of Applicant
Address *
Address 1
Address 2
Gender *
Upload Photo of Driver's License *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Have you been convicted of any felony, misdemeanor, or ordinance violation (other than traffic violations)? *
Are there currently any criminal charges pending against you? *
Have you ever had a Bartender’s license before. Either in Kaukauna or somewhere else? *
Upload current copy of Bartender License or a Wisconsin Responsible beverage server certificate that is not more than two (2) years expired. *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

License Information

Payment Acknowledgement

Read-Only Field. This is the amount you will need to pay. If you don't get transferred to the payment screen please call 920.766.6300
The only information you will need to enter is your credit card information once the payment screen appears *
Your information and payment amount will populate on the next screen after you click continue *
Only Click the below "Continue to Payment" button ONCE! Depending on your internet connection, it may take a moment before moving to the payment screen. *

Payment Section

Payment Received
