The Common Council of the City of Kaukauna meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, unless a different day is chosen by the Council. The Mayor may call a special meeting by written notice to each member delivered to him or her personally or left at his usual abode at least six hours before the meeting. Following a regular city election, the new Council shall first meet on the third Tuesday of April.
The regular meetings of the Common Council are held on the first and third Tuesday in each month at 7:00 PM, except when such Tuesday falls on a holiday or election day, the meeting shall be held on Wednesday following such Tuesday. Special meetings may be called in accordance with Section 62.11(2), Wisconsin Statutes.
Common Council members, along with contact information, is located on the right hand side of this screen when viewed on a desktop. When viewing on a mobile device, Council members and contact info can be viewed by clicking “Additional/Contact Info” at the bottom of the screen.