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Disposal Site

Effective Monday, April 25, 2022, access cards are required for use of the Disposal Site. Click here for further info.

Brush Collection

Brush Collection Ordinance 11.11(4)(c)

  1. Brush must be a minimum of two (2) feet and a maximum of six (6) feet in length. Brush two (2) feet to four (4) feet in length must be bundled and secured with twine or string. Bundles and/or branches shall not exceed 50 pounds in weight. Bundles shall not be greater than 15 inches in diameter. Side branches on larger limbs shall be removed.
  2. All brush to be collected must be placed at the curb or alley line, but no more than 24 hours prior to the time of collection. Maximum height of such brush piles shall be four (4) feet from ground level. Brush is not to be placed in any container.
  3. All brush must be loosely and neatly placed for collection. The butt ends of all branches shall face the roadway.
  4. Roots shall be removed from brush.
  5. Brush shall only be placed for collection by the owner or occupant who performed the brush trimming/removal and not by any contractor performing such work. Any such contractor shall be responsible for removal of any brush created by his/her work.
  6. In addition to any other penalty, any brush placed for collection which is in violation of this ordinance shall not be collected until such violation has been corrected.

Garbage Collection

Regular garbage consists of general household waste that is not recyclable. Latex paint (dried up and cover off in a plastic bag) may be placed in garbage container. No hazardous material, electronics, metal items, branches, tires or yard waste will be picked up.

Large and Irregular Garbage

Large and irregular waste, brush, and white goods shall be collected by special pickup once per month during the months of April-October. Such special pickup shall be done during the second full week of the month only. For purposes of this section, a week shall commence on Sunday to be considered a full week. During said week, not more than five (5) large and irregular items may be placed by a residential property/occupant and will be collected. Each individual piece of furniture, other large items, and each individual container used for large and irregular pick-up shall constitute one (1) item. No large and irregular pick-up or regular brush collection will occur during the months of January, February, March, November, and December. White Goods will still be collected by appointment during the months of January, February, March, November, and December by contacting the Street Department Office.

White Goods Collection

All major appliances need a sticker before placing them out for collection. Stickers can be purchased at the Street, Park and Recreation (SPaR) office at 207 Reaume Avenue, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m*.

* Please note: From May 29, 2025 through Sept. 3, 2025, the SPaR building will be open from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Thursday and from 7:30 AM to 11:00 AM on Friday.

Refrigerant stickers (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, and dehumidifier) are $15.00. Non-refrigerant stickers (washer, dryer, stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, furnace, and water heater) are $10.00. Please call the Street Department at 920.766.6337 with any questions.

Curbside Leaf Collection

Curbside leaf collection may be conducted by the City and advertised on the official City calendar and City website. Only during the dates indicated by the City for leaf collection, leaves shall be placed on the terrace, where available, not in the street or on the sidewalk, and shall be within four (4) feet of the curb where above conditions allow.

Recycling Collection

If you have questions about your curbside recycling collection, contact LRS at 920.759.0501. Questions on what to recycle can be directed to Outagamie County Recycling and Solid Waste at 920.832.5277 or online at Please remember to have your recyclables placed at the curb or alley line before 6:00 a.m. on your collection day.

Click here for the Tri-County Recycling Guide.

Tire Collection

Tire Collection may be conducted by the City and advertised on the official City calendar and City website. Only during the dates indicated by the City for tire collection, City will collect a maximum of four (4) tires from residential users only. Rims must be removed. Tires still mounted on rims will not be picked up.

Christmas Tree Collection

A Christmas Tree Collection may be conducted by the City and advertised on the official City calendar and City website. Collection will be for two consecutive weeks after the holidays and will collect Christmas trees and associated trimmings.