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Road Construction Updates – Week of June 10-14

Megan Brouch
June 07, 2024

6/11 Second Street Alley Update:

The Electric Utility continues to install conduit and wire underground in the Second Street Alley between Main Avenue and Crooks Avenue.  The Alley will be closed between Main Avenue and Crooks Avenue from the afternoon of Wednesday June 12th to Thursday June 13th for the Utility work.


Project 2-24 (Tobacnoir Street Area Utility Relay)

**If you live on Blackwell Street and your recycling was NOT picked up this week, the City will have a truck coming around 9:00am to pick up those remaining bins. Please make sure you have them set near the street so the Contractor and City staff can bring them to the truck.**


    • Carl Bowers ConstructionWill start the week with 2 crews on site. Those 2 crews will work to finish any remaining public laterals on Division Street and Blackwell Street. Once those laterals are complete, the 2nd crew will leave the job, and the one remaining crew will spend the rest of the week working on Brothers Street between Kaukauna and Desnoyer by relaying the Sanitary Sewer Main. When they finish that, they will then begin working on Public laterals on that same block of Brothers Street.
      • Underground work should be pretty well wrapped up on the cul-de-sac block of Brothers, all of Kaukauna Street, Division from the RR tracks to Desnoyer, and Blackwell from Division to Tobacnoir. We will allow the roads to sit as gravel to settle out for a few weeks before the paving contractor comes to the job site to place the asphalt overlay on the completed areas.
    • WE Energies  WE Energies will continue working on their gas replacement project in the neighborhood as shown on the attached map.

DRIVEWAYS/PARKING Please do not park on the road while the contractor is performing their work in the area. They need plenty of room for their trucks and equipment to be able to easily, quickly, and safely complete their work. Park in your driveway if possible, or on the nearest side street.

  • If you need special accommodations for parking, please reach out as we can arrange different parking options. This includes anyone with disabilities, recent surgeries, expecting mothers, and mothers with newborns that have appointments. Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” for parking and property access. The fewer cars that the contractor has to work around, the faster they can get the work done on your block and move on.

WORK ZONE SAFETY While driving through the construction site, be sure to travel slowly and keep an eye out for equipment. This not only cuts down on dust, but also keeps the construction workers safe. Operators try their best to see traffic, but their view can be obstructed at times. It is always best to try and gain eye contact with equipment operators prior to driving by. You may need to wait at times before driving by depending on the work being performed. Please be patient during construction.


Utility and Street Construction is not easy. There will be dirt, mud, dust, equipment, and workers everywhere. Construction activity will be noisy, and getting to your residence will be difficult at times. We understand that it can be frustrating while it happens, but we ask for your patience and understanding as we make the much needed improvements to your street and utilities. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. We can’t help if we don’t know.

Kenneth Avenue/Third Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION – The Contractor will be working on installing water main between Eighth Street and Tenth Street the week of June 10th.  They will also do the intersection connections at Sixth Street, Seventh Street and Eighth Street.  The new water main need to be disinfected and tested before it can be connected to the water mains at the intersections.

Arthur Street Area:

CONSTRUCTION – Monday June 10th the traffic control will be set up.  The trench saw cutting work will taking place on Monday June 10th and Tuesday June 11th.  The contractor will be bringing in the pipe, manhole structures and equipment on Wednesday June 12th.   They might start the sanitary sewer work later Wednesday.

Concrete Street Paving Project:

CONSTRUCTION – The Contractor will continue the tree removal the week of June 10th.  The contractor is planning to mill off the asphalt pavement on Eighth Street starting Wednesday June 12th.  The contractor plans to start the storm sewer work later the week of June 17th.

Article Author

Megan Brouch