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Outagamie County Public Emergency Notification : EMTEL

August 15, 2016

EMTEL is the emergency notification system that Outagamie County utilizes to notify the public and responders of incidents and critical situations that are occuring within Outagamie County. It allows the Outagamie County Communication Center to send a recorded message out to a large number of contacts at once. With EMTEL, Outagamie County is able to notify and keep the public up to date on situations as they are occuring and quickly due to the speed and volume of the calls that it is able to send out.

EMTEL has been used for geographical area notifications such as a person with a weapon, gas leaks, water main breaks, etc. EMTEL has also been used for paging emergency responder groups such as the Emergency Response Team and the Victim Crisis Response Team.

A notable feature of EMTEL is that it allows the public to access it via the web. The public may enter different contact information so they can be contacted by those means in the case of an emergency. The different options include home, cell and work phones, SMS text, TDD, fax and email. To register for EMTEL notification; access the Outagamie County wepage, select the Sheriff’s Department page, and go to the link for Emergency Notification. For a direct link:

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