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Road Construction Updates – Week of Sept. 16-20

Andrea Fencl
September 13, 2024

1-24 Concrete Street Paving Project

The contractor will finish hand pouring concrete in the open areas of the paved streets the week of September 16th.   You will need to find alternate routes when the hand pours take  place and for 7 days afterward while the concrete cures and hardens.

  • The alleys will be open to traffic.  The contractor will be replacing the alley aprons one at a time.  They will replace on apron alley and then pour the other apron alley a week later so residents can get into the alley.
  • The contractor will continue working on sidewalk and driveway apron replacement the week of September 16th.  The contractor will let you know when they will be replacing your sidewalk apron and/or the sidewalk across your driveway.  You will need to find an alternative parking spot for roughly 7 days while this concrete cures and strengthens.

Schedule could change due to weather or Contractor’s other project obligations.


3-24 Concrete Alley Paving Project

The contractor will continue paving the main alley between Reaume Avenue and Main Avenue and between Main Avenue and Crooks Avenue.   They are paving half the alley at a time, so they can get the concrete trucks into the alley and move their equipment around.   The contractor will be doing this work for most of the week of September.

  • While this work is taking place the alley will be closed to traffic for 7 days after the last concrete pour.
  • Once the main alley main alley paving is complete, the contractor will construct the planters in the pedestrian alleys.  Paving in the pedestrian alleys will follow shortly after the planter construction is complete.
  • Vehicles can still be parked in the public parking lot at the intersection of Third and Main, you will need to enter and exit onto Third Street.

Article Author

Andrea Fencl