The holidays are a wonderful time to look back with gratitude and to celebrate the coming year
with optimism and enthusiasm. As this will be my last holiday message as Mayor, I would like
to take a moment to do both.
As I reflect on my last 12 years as your Mayor, I will remember the Committee assignments, the
Council meetings, 4th of July Fox Firecracker celebrations, Christmas tree lightings, and the ribbon cuttings. But what I will remember and treasure the most will be the faces of friends who have served, often without thanks or recognition, to make our City the special place that it is.
I would be remiss if I did not express my deep appreciation and thanks to all of our City staff who have served with me over the years. All are remarkable individuals. You will not find a more dedicated, caring group of civil servants. All are committed to making a positive and lasting contribution to our City, and I count it as one of the great blessings of my life to have served in this community with such fine men and women. They work hard and care about our City.
This Christmas season, I hope you will join with me in the spirit of hope and optimism for
Kaukauna. Together, we have accomplished much, and still have much more to do. As I look ahead to 2018, I am very optimistic. Kaukauna will be electing a new Mayor, and I wish him or her well. The new Mayor will be surrounded by a faithful and dedicated City Council and City staff that enjoy a tradition of excellence. Thanks to these men and women, the years ahead promise to be positive and exciting for the City of Kaukauna. I am confident that they will achieve great things.
I am so grateful for the time I have been able to serve as your Mayor. It has been an honor and a
privilege. My wife, Robin, and I thank you with all our hearts.
On behalf of the City of Kaukauna, I extend my warmest regards and best wishes to everyone in our City. May the spirit of this wonderful season be with you and your loved ones throughout the holidays with many blessings in the New Year.